1. still not working after update lol
  2. Plugin is working fine for me, maybe your server is broken....
  3. Plugin works for me
  4. You need to post some error or something with more information than "plugin not working" if you expect to get any help.
  5. i dont get any errors they just dont appear
  6. You have verified the plugin is loaded? (when you type Plugins into RCON it is compiled in list?)

    Can you upload your config?
  7. Wolf is there an option to change text color ..... i use <red> message<end> and not work ... i also like to change the size of te text !! is that possible ??
  8. Plugin is not working yet
  9. Same here - no errors displayed or in the logs, plugin shows as loaded when you type plugins to RCON.
    This was working, but maybe over the last one or two updates it has stopped working.
  10. Update the plugin is NOT WORKING
  12. on my server it will pop up and say merry christmas but you dont hear the sound now and no gifts show up.. and the stockings next to the fire give nothing.. no error is coming up it just seems to not work right sins the last fuw updates this is my config for it.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2017
  13. Not sure if you still manage the Xmas plugin. But I noticed this time it works and says Merry Christmas. But I get no sound or even any presents. I have done it the same way and never had problem before. Could it be me or the update rust did. And does this plugin have a problem with any other plugs that you know of?I have taken it out and put it back in. I see it hasn't been updated for a long time so saw no reason to go to oxide and reload it and new configs. There is no updated version from the one I used. Can you tell me what might be the/a problem. Please.
  14. (19:29:59) | Error while compiling: XMasTime.cs(82,25): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsAdmin' cannot be used as method or delegate
  15. It's a quick fix. You just have to change ".IsAdmin()" to ".IsAdmin", basically drop the parenthesis, where ever it appears in the code. The only problem is, I don't know if the developer is still maintaining the code...
  16. Ty sir. I completely forgot...should have searched. Thanks for the reminder!
  17. very nice plugin.. but dont work.. it showed "Merry Christmas" Message and no Present spawn , and no sound that like Christmas
  18. (01:25:23) | Error while compiling: XMasTime.cs(82,25): error CS1955: The member `BasePlayer.IsAdmin' cannot be used as method or delegate

    I will try windamyres fix. thanks.
  19. Windamyres fix fixed the error message, but the plugin is definitely broke. it says merry christmas on chat but no music and no presents. that is too bad. hopefully a dev will pick this plugin up? :D