1. Awesome job on this!
    Asking as a complete noob, is there any way to hide the second server for a smoother look? :)
  2. First awesome template but the most important part isn't working for me...

    How do if get it to show as online and show the number counts and stuff? i have put all the server stuff in correct..
  3. @colincee__1 edit the ""config.php"" everything will be found there
  4. Read this
  5. Thanks alot for this
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2018
  6. Enjoy!
  7. I have a little problem. I removed the 2nd server and now server #1 isn't centered so how would i fix that? But Awesome template! Thank you for making it open source too.
  8. having trouble with where i have to add my server id ?
    i says replace SRV_ID_1 with your server id do just put the number from my server id or the id-000 ect ?