1. Is it a brand new account?
  2. That shouldn't change it. Maybe the steamid has a random profile with the default icon, or he is offline.
  3. So, if he is offline, it shows the "?"?
  4. If the player looking at the message is offline steam.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2016
  5. I had to join my server at lease once for my secondary account icon to update
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The icon showing all depends on your Steam client. The account does not have to be playing though.
  7. @Wulf Am I doing anything wrong here?
    player.Reply("<size=13>You've added <color=#74c6ff>"+  args[1]+ "</color> to your todo list!</size>",  null, "76561198235146288");
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2016
  8. Hi everyone I was wondering whether there is a way to 'intercept' messages other plugins are sending and then resend them out with a steam profile icon I define.

    I already know about this thread Steam profiles to use for icons | Oxide but for most plugins there is no easy way to add them as most plugins use a different method for sending messages.
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The example in the first post is how it has to be done. If a plugin is using another method, you'd need to switch to this method or use the direct way of calling it which is what the "rust" helpers wrap.
  10. Thanks for the help I got it to work with most of the plugin but can you please help me with AdvertMessages and ConnectMessages
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Those are universal plugins I believe, so it's a bit more complicated. If you'd like it as an option, I'd suggest requesting it from the plugin authors. To keep it short, you wouldn't be able to handle it the same way, because the "rust" helpers are not available to Covalence plugins directly. So you'd either need to call that Rust library from Oxide, or use the direct method. Either way, the plugin won't be universal anymore unless you add an #if RUST check and add the Rust-specific code in there. So, I'd suggest requesting that feature from the authors. ;)
  12. Is there a similar function but to send a message to a player (with a custom icon) ?
  13. rust.SendChatMessage(player, "Hello", null, "76561197962021169");
  14. No there isn't sadly
  15. 4lex fix works...although im getting a ? icon .. any ideas?
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    If you aren't signed into Steam Friends, you will see that. That's how Rust's icons work.
  17. Im always signed on to Steam friends..but..restarting Rust fixed it. Cheers.
  18. can you code this into the server oxide/lan/en auotbroadcast.json? as in have custom message pop ups in the chat.. or do you have to do this manually to get the icon to work?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    No, it requires a modification to the plugin.
  20. Ok thank you, any chance i can request this? :D