

Total Downloads: 21,402 - First Release: Oct 24, 2014 - Last Update: Feb 1, 2018

5/5, 48 likes
  1. Any help with this?

    oxide.grant group admin updater.use

    Permission 'updater.use' doesn't exist
  2. o.grant group admin UpdateChecker.use perhaps?
    Could be the code had not gotten updated when the name changed? I will check mine once I am home from work, I think I tweaked the C# code to have the correct name so it matched the plugin name change.
  3. o.grant group admin UpdateChecker.use

    Permission 'UpdateChecker.use' doesn't exist

    Same thing. I don't know what's up but It's no rust was just wondering and if you can figure it out thats!
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The plugin is most likely not loaded if you are seeing that.
  5. everyone is getting the error - its just needs fixing thats all.Its been there since the last update

    > oxide.reload UpdateChecker
    UpdateChecker was compiled successfully in 1760ms
    Unloaded plugin UpdateChecker v2.2.0 by LaserHydra
    Missing plugin name prefix 'updatechecker.' for permission 'updater.check' (by plugin 'UpdateChecker')
    Loaded plugin UpdateChecker v2.2.0 by LaserHydra

    Plugin is still working fine even with error.
  6. I checked and I had updated my version to address that issue, tiny fix.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2018
  7. LaserHydra updated UpdateChecker with a new update entry:


  8. Thanks Laser Hydra!
  9. Code:
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/2159/If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/978/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/2697/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/1510/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/2589/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/1924/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/2063/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/2102/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/1375/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/1182/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/681/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/2117/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
    (09:00:45) | [UpdateChecker] Following plugins are outdated:
    (09:01:50) | [AutoPurge] Included entity count on this run: 6777
    (09:01:50) | [AutoPurge] Nothing to remove... up to date.
  10. That looks like a temporary overload of the api. As long as it does not keep appearing every time, you should be okay.
  11. If all those appear in one update checking cycle, no. If you keep getting them multiple times a day, possibly each update check cycle, then its something to worry about. My API webserver might sometimes struggle under the heavy amount of requests.
  12. Ok, no problem. I see it occasionally but not all the time.
    1 server will have it timeout when the others can check the api fine visa versa.
  13. @LaserHydra Just started getting this error yesterday in my console:
    Web request callback raised an exception in 'UpdateChecker v2.2.1' plugin (JsonReaderException: Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: <. Path '', line 0, position 0.) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.ParseValue () [0x00000] in :0 at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in :0 at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.ReadAndMoveToContent () [0x00000] in :0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.ReadForType (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonContract contract, Boolean hasConverter) [0x00000] in :0 at Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization.JsonSerializerInternalReader.Deserialize (Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader reader, System.Type objectType, Boolean checkAdditionalContent) [0x00000] in :0

    I did re-run all updates on my server including shutting my server down to update oxide properly but still getting the error. any idea's on this? Thanks in advance.
  14. Looks like you have an invalid config file.
  15. Awesome thanks! fixin' now :)
  16. I'm getting a lot of these.

    (23:01:05) | [UpdateChecker] Failed to access plugin information api at http://oxide.laserhydra.com/plugins/13/
    If this keeps happening, please content the developer.
  17. As long as it is in one update cycle, you should be fine.
  18. when i do styling in the lang file, ingame all fine, but i saw that rcon shows the same styled messages. This does not look pretty. :p How do i change this?
    Should i make another lang file, and in cs point at that file or ....?
  19. Currently it is not possible for you to create seperate outputs for console and chat without modifications to the plugin.