1. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't see why they wouldn't allow it. Do you see any response at all when you try to connect to it directly?
  2. I give up googlevm , 30minute ago I buy a ecs on aliyun.........and ......now I can see my server onthe Client server list. Must be something wrong with google..
    Anyway thank u so much!!!
  3. HI!!I think I found something. I try the firewall settings and I found something wrong with the“ Remote Desktop UDP-IN” port 3389. If it is enable, server can not be connect. But if it's disabled server can be connect and show in the server list. Unfortunately, Google vm and Ali cloud there are some differences. I can't make it happens in Google vm. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
  4. is oxide not need update anymore when rust update?? or still need update when rust update??because i did get any notifier oxide update anymore??
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Unless you want to use an outdated version of Rust, Oxide still needs to be updated for each Rust update. If you are having a problem with a specific plugin, please use that plugin's support thread.
  6. Why not search the server to open the success of the startup code is how much upload_2016-10-18_20-28-53.png upload_2016-10-18_20-29-9.png upload_2016-10-18_20-29-20.png

    Attached Files:

  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  8. Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2016
  9. Can you find the start code
  10. Start code?
  11. yes
    I refer to
  12. No idea what you mean by start code this is why i put ?
  13. @echo off
    RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.port 22015 +rcon.port 22016 +rcon.password "634145153" +server.maxplayers 30 +server.hostname "祖海涛" +server.identity "my_server_identity" +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.seed 5555 +server.worldsize 4000 +server.saveinterval 300 +server.globalchat true +server.description "海涛测试服"
  14. Are you running this from your home pc?
    Test this
    @echo off
    RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.ip +server.port 22015 +rcon.ip +rcon.port 22016 +rcon.password 634145153 +server.maxplayers 30 +server.hostname "祖海涛" +server.identity "my_server_identity" +server.level "Procedural Map" +server.seed 5555 +server.worldsize 4000 +server.saveinterval 300 +server.globalchat true +server.description "海涛测试服"
  15. yes How to write code
  16. Check above post use notepad++ and open the bat file and paste the above code into it
  17. Still not found
  18. PM me your skype info will add you when I get some sleep will get it going for you
  19. The server runs on a version of the 1044 version of the game and in 1037, why? waiting for help thanks in advance.
  20. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm not sure what you are referring to, but Oxide is updated. I'd suggest making sure both Rust and Oxide are the latest.