

Total Downloads: 10,608 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 53 likes
  1. Okay im having an issue. My JSON is valid i reloaded the plugin with /oxide.reload ServerInfo and its not updating. No idea what I am doing wrong.
  2. I've done my ServerInfo update, however, the initial placeholder text is the only thing showing when in the Server.


    Here is my Config:

    "Tabs": [{
    "ButtonText": "Welcome",
    "HeaderText": "Welcome",
    "Pages": [{
    "TextLines": [
    "<color=red>Welcome to our Rust Server</color>",
    "We hope you enjoy playing on this friendly server!",
    "Server is still under some construction so please be patient",
    "type <color=red> /info </color> in chat to open this window",
    "Please go to the next page for RULES on the server."
    "ImageSettings": [{
    "Position": {
    "MinX": 0.0,
    "MaxX": 0.5,
    "MinY": 0.0,
    "MaxY": 0.5
    "Url": "",
    "TransparencyInPercent": 0
    "Position": {
    "MinX": 0.5,
    "MaxX": 1.0,
    "MinY": 0.0,
    "MaxY": 0.5
    "Url": "",
    "TransparencyInPercent": 0
    "Position": {
    "MinX": 0.0,
    "MaxX": 0.5,
    "MinY": 0.5,
    "MaxY": 1.0
    "Url": "",
    "TransparencyInPercent": 0
    "Position": {
    "MinX": 0.5,
    "MaxX": 1.0,
    "MinY": 0.5,
    "MaxY": 1.0
    "Url": "",
    "TransparencyInPercent": 0
    "TextLines": [
    "type <color=red> /info </color>in chat to open this window",
    "type <color=blue> /playercounter</color> in chat to toggle player counter",
    "type <color=green> /clock</color> in chat to toggle Clock",
    "type <color=orange> /clock server</color> in chat to toggle Server Clock",
    "type <color=yellow> /pm & Player Name</color> to send a player a private message",
    "type <color=red> /r</color> to reply to the last private message you received",
    "type <color=blue> /voteday open</color> to start a Day Vote"
    "ImageSettings": []

    "ButtonText": "Rules",
    "HeaderText": "Rules",
    "Pages": [{
    "TextLines": [
    "The Server Rules are absolute. NO EXCEPTIONS!",
    "- No Asking for Admin. This will get you anything but Admin.",
    "- No Racism/Sexism/Politics etc. Be nice & respectful of others",
    "- No KOS, Base-Raiding or PVP'ing unless in Event Area",
    "- No Begging/Asking for items/resources. Work for them and you'll get them ",
    "- If you want a particular item/resource, ask for a trade in chat. Someone in the community will help you out if they can",
    "- If you require Admin's assistance, just please ask and you will get it when they are available (E.G. Removing blocks or stuck in building)",
    "- Do not advertise anything on our server",
    "- Do not spam the chat or players",
    "- Do not accuse moderator or admins for using there admin power",
    "If Admin is not online and you require assistance/need to report something",
    "Please send an email to:",
    "<color=blue>[email protected]</color>",
    "I will get back to you ASAP"
    "ImageSettings": []
    "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
    "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
    "HeaderAnchor": 0,
    "HeaderFontSize": 32,
    "TextFontSize": 16,
    "TextAnchor": 3,
    "OxideGroup": ""
    "ButtonText": "Active Plugins",
    "HeaderText": "Active Plugins",
    "Pages": [{
    "TextLines": [
    "Below are the plugins running on Server:",
    "- In Game Clock",
    "- Blueprint Manager",
    "- Everlight",
    "- NoDecay",
    "- ServerInfo",
    "- SkipNight UI",
    "- StackSizeController",
    "- True PVE",
    "- ZLevels Remastered",
    "- LootLogs",
    "- PlayerCounter",
    "- Private Messaging",
    "- RaidNotes",
    "- BetterChat",
    "- Player Rankings For Rust",
    "- Timed Events"

    "ImageSettings": []
    "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
    "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
    "HeaderAnchor": 0,
    "HeaderFontSize": 32,
    "TextFontSize": 16,
    "TextAnchor": 3,
    "OxideGroup": ""
    "ShowInfoOnPlayerInit": true,
    "TabToOpenByDefault": 0,
    "Position": {
    "MinX": 0.15,
    "MaxX": 0.9,
    "MinY": 0.2,
    "MaxY": 0.9
    "BackgroundImage": {
    "Enabled": true,
    "Position": {
    "MinX": 0.0,
    "MaxX": 1.0,
    "MinY": 0.0,
    "MaxY": 1.0
    "Url": "Black Backgrounds #6889756",
    "TransparencyInPercent": 0
    "ActiveButtonColor": "#00FFFFFF",
    "InactiveButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
    "CloseButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
    "NextPageButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
    "PrevPageButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
    "BackgroundColor": "#000000FF"


    Checked my code on JSON Validator and it states the below:

    Error: Parse error on line 158:
    ...or": "#000000FF", } }
    Expecting 'STRING', got '}'

    Line 158 is the last BackgroundColor in the above code but I can't figure out what's wrong. Can anyone help?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2018
  3. Whats the perimeter of the GUI? I wan't to make a image the exact same size as what the GUI is, I've got pretty bad OCD and I need to have it perfect.
  4. Also have the issue when players connect they cannot close the window, so they have to disconnect and then log in again. Any ideas on a fix?
  5. When I have added ServerInfo into my server, it shows the window, but none of the information has updated to what I changed it too. Can anyone suggest how to fix this? Been waiting on a reply for over a week.
  6. I have this same issue right now
  7. NVM fixed it lol

    Need help please. Had server info working but then added my discord info and it reverted back to the default setup. What am I doing wrong?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2018
  8. Hello how insert a link :
    "/vote => Vous permet de gagner différentes récompenses en votant sur \"\"",

    "/vote => Vous permet de gagner différentes récompenses en votant sur",
    doesn't work for me...

    This work:
            "ButtonText": "Liens",
            "HeaderText": "Discord",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "N'oublie pas de voter pour nous !",
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
    Limited by the number of characters I suppose?

    edit: after test, yes...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2018
  9. Hey everyone. I need some help with my config file. Already validated it in json and it passed. But whenever I try it in the server it keeps showing the default text.
        "Tabs": [{
                "ButtonText": "Inicio",
                "HeaderText": "Bem vindo",
                "Pages": [{
                        "TextLines": [
                            "Bem-vindo ao servidor de Rust dos Golden Eyes!",
                            "Este servidor ainda esta em desenvolvimento sendo que muito conteudo esta sujeito a mudancas.",
                            "Se quiseres ajudar no desenvolvimento ou simplesmente fornecer algumas ideias comunica os admins",
                            "Se quiseres voltar a abrir esta menu escreve no chat <color=red> /info </color>",
                            "Nao te esquecas de pressionar o botao <color=red> Regras </color> ao lado esquerdo para leres as regras do servidor.",
                            "E por fim, se tiverem alguma duvida nao hesitem em comunicar os admins.",
                            "<color=red> DIVIRTAM-SE </color>"
                        "ImageSettings": [{
                                "Position": {
                                    "MinX": 0.0,
                                    "MaxX": 0.5,
                                    "MinY": 0.0,
                                    "MaxY": 0.5
                                "Url": "",
                                "TransparencyInPercent": 100
                                "Position": {
                                    "MinX": 0.5,
                                    "MaxX": 1.0,
                                    "MinY": 0.0,
                                    "MaxY": 0.5
                                "Url": "",
                                "TransparencyInPercent": 100
                                "Position": {
                                    "MinX": 0.0,
                                    "MaxX": 0.5,
                                    "MinY": 0.5,
                                    "MaxY": 1.0
                                "Url": "",
                                "TransparencyInPercent": 100
                                "Position": {
                                    "MinX": 0.5,
                                    "MaxX": 1.0,
                                    "MinY": 0.5,
                                    "MaxY": 1.0
                                "Url": "",
                                "TransparencyInPercent": 100
                        "TextLines": [
                            "This is first tab, second page",
                            "Add some text here by adding more lines.",
                            "You should replace all default text lines with whatever you feel up to",
                            "type <color=red> /info </color> to open this window",
                            "Press next page to check third page.",
                            "Press prev page to go back to first page.",
                            "You may add more pages in config file."
                        "ImageSettings": []
                        "TextLines": [
                            "This is first tab, third page",
                            "Add some text here by adding more lines.",
                            "You should replace all default text lines with whatever you feel up to",
                            "type <color=red> /info </color> to open this window",
                            "Press prev page to go back to second page."
                        "ImageSettings": []
                "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
                "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
                "HeaderAnchor": 0,
                "HeaderFontSize": 32,
                "TextFontSize": 16,
                "TextAnchor": 3,
                "OxideGroup": ""
                "ButtonText": "Regras",
                "HeaderText": "Regras",
                "Pages": [{
                    "TextLines": [
                        "Evita o spam ou qualquer tipo de assedio no chat;",
                        "Nao pecas por permissoes ou por qualquer tipo de rank;",
                        "Maximo de squads de 4. Nao e permitido exceder esse limite;",
                        "Respeita os outros jogadores;",
                        "Nao e permitido o uso de qualquer programa de terceiros como aimbots ou speedhacks. <color=red> O uso de qualquer um destes programas da direito a um BAN PERMANENTE </color>.",
                        "Nao e permitido griefing neste servidor. Por favor, joga justamente.",
                        "Os admins e o mods <color=red> nao dao items a ninguem </color>, portanto escusam de pedir qualquer tipo de coisa aos mesmos.",
                        "E proibido o uso de nomes inapropriados. Qualquer nome ao qual nos achamos ofensivo, nos temos o direito de kickar ou ate banir esse mesmo jogador.",
                        "Qualquer tipo de publicidade no nosso servidor seja por chat, pelo nome... e totalmente proibido e nao sera tolerado."
                    "ImageSettings": []
                "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
                "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
                "HeaderAnchor": 0,
                "HeaderFontSize": 32,
                "TextFontSize": 16,
                "TextAnchor": 3,
                "OxideGroup": ""
                "ButtonText": "Doadores/Creditos",
                "HeaderText": "Doadores/Creditos",
                "Pages": [{
                    "TextLines": [
                        "Esta pagina ainda esta em desenvolvimento.",
                        "Queres colaborar e aparecer nesta pagina? Ajuda-nos a manter o server e faz uma pequena doacao"
                    "ImageSettings": []
                "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
                "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
                "HeaderAnchor": 0,
                "HeaderFontSize": 32,
                "TextFontSize": 16,
                "TextAnchor": 3,
                "OxideGroup": ""
        "ShowInfoOnPlayerInit": true,
        "TabToOpenByDefault": 0,
        "Position": {
            "MinX": 0.15,
            "MaxX": 0.9,
            "MinY": 0.2,
            "MaxY": 0.9
        "BackgroundImage": {
            "Enabled": true,
            "Position": {
                "MinX": 0.0,
                "MaxX": 1.0,
                "MinY": 0.0,
                "MaxY": 1.0
            "Url": "",
            "TransparencyInPercent": 100
        "ActiveButtonColor": "#00FFFFFF",
        "InactiveButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
        "CloseButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
        "NextPageButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
        "PrevPageButtonColor": "#7F7F7FFF",
        "BackgroundColor": "#000000FF"
    Text is in Portuguese and I even tried to remove all the symbols. The weird thing is that it keeps the file changed but it just doesn't show up in game. Can you guys help me out here?
  10. Can you add an option to add commands like /help

    I want /help to also bring up the info window, because sometimes players don't even bother reading anything and try typing /help later on
  11. Excellent Idea! I was just about to aks about that.

    Does anyone know how to add icons in the ButtonText like this guy did...

    Click HERE to see what I mean

    - TehZombiJesus
  12. @TehZombiJesus

    I think with text symbols that should go. Look here for example: Cool text Symbols for Facebook ツ and then write with copy / paste in the config.

    I am not sure but it will probably not work differently I think. Nice Idea btw

    "/info" calls the window again at any time! Or do you want to change the command?

    best regards EISENKIND
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2018
  13. I want both /help and /info to bring up the window.
  14. pease update!!!!thanks
  15. Needed update of this module - after entering / info an error with red subtitles and pops up from the server.

    UnityEngineInternal.WebRequestUtils.MakeInitialUrl (System.String targetUrl, System.String localUrl) (at <8200a3e93f824d45ae72f244b6cfc50f>:0)
    UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.set_url (System.String value) (at <8200a3e93f824d45ae72f244b6cfc50f>:0)
    UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest..ctor (System.String url, System.String method, UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler downloadHandler, UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler uploadHandler) (at <8200a3e93f824d45ae72f244b6cfc50f>:0)
    UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Get (System.String uri) (at <8200a3e93f824d45ae72f244b6cfc50f>:0)
    UnityEngine.WWW..ctor (System.String url) (at <e4c5d39db1054ca39b33b604c0b17180>:0)
    CommunityEntity+<LoadTextureFromWWW>c__Iterator0.MoveNext () (at <c9aaa76e538343c4a14471c020838be0>:0)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <e62018e11c0a49d48c08c9fbcfd3623f>:0)
    CommunityEntity:CreateComponents(GameObject, Object)
    CommunityEntity:OnRpcMessage(BasePlayer, UInt32, Message)
    BaseEntity:CL_RPCMessage(UInt32, UInt64, Message)
  16. Needs to be updated
  17. Needs to be updated

    Attached Files:

  18. How did you manage to fix it?
  19. Players get kicked when writing /info. When owner do it i got red text on screen, but i can click on info and read.
    Hope this get updated soon.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 10, 2018