
Create an NPC that will TP a player to anywhere, run commands, or open a door

Total Downloads: 1,052 - First Release: Nov 27, 2016 - Last Update: May 10, 2018

5/5, 5 likes
  1. rewards on NPC killed, works with this :
    "useMessage": false,
    "MessageNpc": "none",
    "EnableDead": true,
    "DeadOnPlayer": true,
    "DeadCmd": "sr add ",
    "DeadArgs": "500",
    "OpenDoor": false,
  2. Does this plugin still work? I can't quite figure out how to get it working correctly.
    I added new npc with HumanNPC, enabled and everything. Modified npctp with npc_id, set spawn location ect. It's not doing anything for npc.
  3. Hi everybody,

    Thank you Ts3hosting for this plugin. It works very well on my server.
    But I also want to put an NPCTP usable only for the group VIP so that they are teleported in a private zone.

    That's what I do not know how to do. Because I know that we can privilege the use of NPCTP by permission but I do not know how to create a permission for my VIP group.

    Here is an example of my data file
    "1508647970": {
    "NpcName": "<color=orange>VIP doorkeeper</color> : ",
    "SpawnFile": "spawn1",
    "Cooldown": 0,
    "CanUse": true,
    "useUI": false,
    "Cost": 0.0,
    "permission": "??permission created for VIP??",
    "useItem": false,
    "ItemShortName": null,
    "ItemAmount": 0,
    "UseCommand": false,
    "CommandOnPlayer": false,
    "Command": null,
    "Arrangements": null,
    "useMessage": false,
    "MessageNpc": "none",
    "EnableDead": false,
    "DeadOnPlayer": false,
    "DeadCmd": null,
    "DeadArgs": "5",
    "OpenDoor": false,
    "DoorLocX": 0.0,
    "DoorLocY": 0.0,
    "DoorLocZ": 0.0,
    "DoorId": 0,
    "NoPermKill": false,
    "KillSleep": false

    What do you think ?
    How can I create a permission assigned to my VIP group, which I could specify in my data file ?

    Thank you in advance for the help
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2018
  4. No suggestions to help me ?
    A little idea ?
  5. you need to add the permission you named in "permission" to the vip group example the "permission" you would want named npctp.vip1
    then you would in counsel add that perm to the vip group oxide.grant group vip npctp.vip1
  6. Perfect.
    Thx Ts3hosting.
  7. Hi, thx alot for this very powerful plugin. But 2 questions:
    -how can i add multiple commands?
    -if not, is it possible to use chat.say /mycommand. Actually the command is not found

    Thx a lot, i hope you will have few minutes to help me O:)
  8. currently there is no way for npctp to run multiple commands i will look into adding this..
  9. Fixed serverrewards v2.4.5

    Attached Files:

  10. Looking for someone to help clean up my plugin.. I am on the road working and do not have time to try and figure it all out... and need it cleaned up to post it on umod.

    All messages sent to players should be using the Lang API for localization/customization
    Player's ID string should be sent with GetMessage for localization when available
    A lot of unnecessary returns at the end of void methods
    Potential NullReferenceExceptions by not null checking items when finding/creating before use
    player.SendConsoleCommand($"hardestcommandtoeverguessnpctp... will not work, Rust client blocks these
    Potential NullReferenceExceptions by not null checking external plugin instance before calling hooks
    Potential NullReferenceExceptions by not null checking entities created before use
    Potential ArgumentNotFoundExceptions by not checking if dictionaries contain before use
    Title should be formatted as a title (ie. with spaces)
    Remove erroneous serverInput reflection usage, this field is already exposed
    Also, the plugin has a code error that is causing it to fail to compile. The dependencies are fixed.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2018