N Teleportation

Multiple teleportation systems for admins and players.

Total Downloads: 53,546 - First Release: Apr 12, 2016 - Last Update: Apr 5, 2018

5/5, 88 likes
  1. Hey Wulf.. great plugin, but havent played Rust in about 2 years. i built a base on my new server and my friend who is on my toolcupboard cant sethome . It keeps telling him he needds to be my friend. What do I do so he can use our base as his Home 1?
  2. @Wulf players are being kicked when they teleport to someone or to their homes. This is on the latest edition, thank you!
    Add him to your clan and install the friends plugin. Then both of you type /friend add HisName or YourName depending on which way. Then he should be able to set a home. :)
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This isn’t my plugin. Pretty sure the kick is a confirmed Rust issue as well, which there is a thread for.
  4. Odd, thank you for the info.
  5. Teleport does not work
    what happens is if a player does /town, 15 seconds passes and then nothing happens.
    Seems like plugins with a timer doesn't work properly.
    Other plugins with this issue:
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Please update to the latest Oxide build and let us know if you still have the issue.
  7. It did fix it, Wulf. And the issues with the other plugins.
    Thank you!
  8. fixed on two servers thank you Wulf for all you do
  9. @Wulf any chance of fix for this? :)
    It's quite serious the bugs; if a player on a chair is tp'd to another player, the sitting player becomes invisible, and can bug through walls (it's happened to me)
  10. Hey, this need to be fixed pls!
  11. That and
        "UsableIntoBuildingBlocked": false,
    Still doesnt do anything
  12. Code (Text):
    "UsableIntoBuildingBlocked": false,

    Still doesn't work. Will this ever be fixed????
  13. This is also happening to my server and I don't have any teleportation plugins.
  14. I wish there was a search feature for searching individual threads. Anyways, how can I block people from teleporting with C4 and Rockets? I see "BlockedItems": {}" in the config but what do we add here, the short names? Is it comma delimited?

    Is this the correct way?
        "BlockedItems": {
    Edit: nope this didn't work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2018
  15. try without the "" marks around the names
  16. Tried that but plugin still fails to load.
    Why couldn't you just include the way to do it in this reply? -_-

    If plugin devs just took 2 minutes to document features in the overview these threads wouldn't grow to be over 100 pages. /rant
  17. Ok so I tried this and it loaded correctly:

    "BlockedItems": {
    "explosive.timed": 1,
    "ammo.rocket.basic": 1,
    "ammo.rocket.fire": 1,
    "ammo.rocket.hv": 1,
    "ammo.rocket.smoke": 1,
    "explosive.satchel": 1
  18. Heyy

    Despite my config settings, people are able to /home into a building blocked area.. AKA they are able to TP back into their base after it has been raided and TC reset.

    Heres my setup, anything i'm missing?

      "Settings": {
        "ChatName": "<color=red>Teleportation</color>: ",
        "HomesEnabled": true,
        "TPREnabled": true,
        "TownEnabled": false,
        "InterruptTPOnHurt": true,
        "BlockedItems": {}
      "Admin": {
        "AnnounceTeleportToTarget": false,
        "UseableByModerators": true,
        "LocationRadius": 25,
        "TeleportNearDefaultDistance": 30
      "Home": {
        "HomesLimit": 2,
        "VIPHomesLimits": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 3
        "Cooldown": 300,
        "Countdown": 30,
        "DailyLimit": 300,
        "VIPDailyLimits": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 150
        "VIPCooldowns": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 150
        "VIPCountdowns": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 30
        "LocationRadius": 25,
        "ForceOnTopOfFoundation": true,
        "CheckFoundationForOwner": true,
        "UseFriends": true,
        "UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked": false,
        "UsableIntoBuildingBlocked": false,
        "CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked": false,
        "AllowIceberg": true,
        "AllowCave": true,
        "AllowCraft": false,
        "AllowAboveFoundation": true,
        "CheckValidOnList": false,
        "Pay": 0
      "TPR": {
        "Cooldown": 300,
        "Countdown": 30,
        "DailyLimit": 300,
        "VIPDailyLimits": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 150
        "VIPCooldowns": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 150
        "VIPCountdowns": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 30
        "RequestDuration": 15,
        "BlockTPAOnCeiling": true,
        "UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked": false,
        "UsableIntoBuildingBlocked": false,
        "CupOwnerAllowOnBuildingBlocked": false,
        "AllowCraft": false,
        "Pay": 0
      "Town": {
        "Cooldown": 0,
        "Countdown": 10,
        "DailyLimit": 0,
        "VIPDailyLimits": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 0
        "VIPCooldowns": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 4
        "VIPCountdowns": {
          "nteleportation.vip": 4
        "Location": "498.8806 412.5413 644.7362",
        "UsableOutOfBuildingBlocked": false,
        "AllowCraft": true,
        "Pay": 0
      "Version": {
        "Major": 1,
        "Minor": 0,
        "Patch": 26
  19. whats the console tp Command??
  20. how to do i remove teleport limits, do i set it to 0 ? is that unlimited?