
Allows easy teleportation to monuments

Total Downloads: 792 - First Release: Feb 12, 2017 - Last Update: Feb 12, 2017

5/5, 6 likes
  1. GRt locations makes this plugin
    as an admin its actually a lot easier just to use GRT Teleport
  2. Use the Alias System plugin and create an alias for just /wtp ;)

    Agreed, but we like this plugin because it always takes you to the exact same spot at a monument - which looks like the dead centre - and we can then set a zone there after each wipe, and re-use the zone settings we've created to make it a PvP area on our PvE server.
  3. I agree, GRT Teleport will take you to an exact point each time, so if you could work with building your zones at those points of the grid nearest the monuments, you'd have a ready made solution.