1. Ghost8888 if you want to load in an external dll for sockets you will need to create an oxide extension such as Oxide.Ext.Sockets by using one of the existing extensions as a base.
  2. Haw! I develop in this way to fail!
  3. Reading this is painful...
  4. Are you using translation software, if so can you post in your language and below that post the English version. It is very hard to understand what you are trying to do.
  5. I use a Google translation,I am at Hong Kong!
  6. I have found the hook method, I can make DLL plugins
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Okay, good luck! Oxide already provides everything to make .dll extensions, so not sure why you'd need to make another way.
  8. Oxide It will shield some Code!
    Oxide Is there a development group? I want to join
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'm not sure what you'd thinking of, but extensions are fully open. Plugins are sandboxed for security though. As far as the group, we'll invite a user to join the team if they've shown to be helpful and trustworthy, with active and quality contributions.
  10. Oxide plugin does not support the socket, I just let myself be used on socket only
  11. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Right, but Oxide DLL extensions can as mentioned previously.
  12. ok, I'm sleepy I went to sleep!