Item Skin Randomizer

Randomizes item skins on item creation

Total Downloads: 18,523 - First Release: Sep 2, 2015 - Last Update: Apr 6, 2018

5/5, 64 likes
  1. Oh wow, simple enough!

  2. is there a reason why i have to reload the plugin all the time for it to work cause it use to work with out me have to reload it but now it seen like the only time it works is after i reload it can someone help plz
  3. how do i give permission to my self to use this? i tried copying what u wrote into my server but didnt work
  4. need to turn perms on in the config file
  5. This is a great fun plugin, but it would be great if there was a way to exclude skin numbers. There are some skins, due to configuration with other plugins or themes that people may not want to come up.
  6. > oxide.grant user IDHERE itemskinrandomizer.use
    Permission 'itemskinrandomizer.use' doesn't exist

    what to do?
  7. I believe it's only valid if you set to enable the permissions in the config file.
  8. You either dont have the plugin loaded or oxide not installed
  9. oxide is installed, and the plugin is loaded.
    i use rsm for managing my server along with rustadmin release

    EDIT: thanks for the quick reply
    Loaded plugin Item Skin Randomizer v1.3.2 by Mughisi
    [Item Skin Randomizer] Loaded 947 approved workshop skins.
    Saved 31,000 ents, serialization(0.00), write(0.01), disk(0.01) totalstall(0.03).
    Saving complete
    > oxide.grant user 76561198436833115 itemskinrandomizer.use
    Permission 'itemskinrandomizer.use' doesn't exist
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2017
  10. try
    oxide.grant group admin itemskinrandomizer.use
  11. do i need to be in the group admin if so how do i add myself to admin group? i used a program to create groups i have owner, admin, moderator, vip, regular

    > oxide.grant group admin itemskinrandomizer.use
    Permission 'itemskinrandomizer.use' doesn't exist
  12. lol You must have missed my post.

    The permission is only valid if you are requiring permissions in the config. Otherwise the permission won't exist and everyone gets permissions automatically.

    This code basically says if config has enabled permissions then register permission. Otherwise it won't exist.

    if (config.EnablePermissions) permission.RegisterPermission("itemskinrandomizer.use", this);
  13. sorry i missed that, thanks ill test it out i like these kind of plugins.
  14. Says on the overview there is no config I dont use this plugin myself but the overview needs an update
  15. ok so i tested the plugin and when i craft an item in the crafting menu it shows the skin but when its done crafting the skin is default
  16. Web request callback raised an exception (UnauthorizedAccessException: System access is restricted, you are not allowed to use Facepunch.Steamworks.BaseSteamworks)
    at Oxide.Plugins.ItemSkinRandomizer.ReadScheme (Int32 code, System.String response) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at Oxide.Core.Libraries.WebRequests+WebRequest.<OnComplete>b__42_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  17. i use this plugin along with InstaCraft. and ImageLibrary. I have to reload these 3 plugins everyday but they work after i reload them. the order i reload them in is, oxide.reload ItemSkinRandomizer, InstaCraft, ImageLibrary, and it works fine after the reload
  18. I enabled permission on config file. It not says anything if i try to grant group default. I am doing something wrong or what?
  19. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Whta says nothing? What's the full command you used?
  20. oxide.grant group default itemskinrandomizer.use. It granted it with that command but i does not work. I had that old command before: grant group default itemskinrandomizer.use. That didnt do nothing in rcon.