1. Hello need help strays code chat . When people communicate . Nick is Nick and color displays correctly and sometimes as in the screenshot

    Attached Files:

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Do you have a plugin that edits the chat? It's could be possible that if a message is sent from the server without a closing color tag, that it might break others.
  3. I am also experiencing the same issue with that Plugin on my server.

    It only happens shortly after the Welcome message is displayed, and fixes itself after someone speaks in the chat.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd recommend posting in the plugin's support thread.
  5. {
    "MESSAGES": [
    "<size=17><silver>(message) <lime>{username}<end><end></size>",
    "<silver><orange><size=20>•</size><end> (message) <orange>/help<end> (message)<end>",
    "<silver><orange><size=20>•</size><end> (message) <orange>(message)<end><end>",
    "<silver><orange><size=20>•</size><end> (message)<end>"

    I have the same problem, where did i go wrong?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I'd recommend using the normal <color=#FFFFFF> and </color> tags to see if you still have an issue.
  7. Hi, I did as you said #FFFF And I get the same bug colors

    'MESSAGES': (
                    '<size=17><color=#bfbfbf>Привет <color=#00ff2b>{username}</color></color></size>',
                    '<color=#bfbfbf><color=#ffa700><size=20>•</size></color> Помощь <color=#ffa700>/help</color> узнать все команды сервера.</color>',
                    '<color=#bfbfbf><color=#ffa700><size=20>•</size></color> Получить набор новичка: <color=#ffa700>/kit starter</color> </color>',
                    '<color=#bfbfbf><color=#ffa700><size=20>•</size></color> Группа в контакте: <color=#ffa700>vk.com/moscowserverkit</color> </color>'
  8. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Hmm, not sure then.
  9. I'm here and do not understand what is happening, because of what color bug
  10. I have same problem :(
  11. I had the same problem and i changed everything that changes colors to <color=#XXXXXX></color> and now everything works fine .

    PS: Usually i use this site Html Color Codes to view the code of the color i want .
  12. The problem i still there :D even if i change to color codes <3
  13. check all your plugins that eventually change colors
  14. Yeah working on it to pin it down.
  15. Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2015
  16. wat saying
  17. I have the same issue on my server, it is really bad on my server. Times it works fine then it blows up.

    Plugins I have installed.

    I uploaded my log as well for oxide. @Wulf

    Attached Files:

  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Pretty sure it's an issue that should be addressed with the game.