1. Thank you,
    I solved the issue however, I had not allowed the app through the firewall. I had changed the location of the server and forgot to update it. Thanks for the bat file though it will come in handy.
  2. I have read thru all these posts and i am still having issues. not sure what i have done or not done. here is my .bat file

    echo off

    cd steam
    steamcmd.exe +runscript ../update_script.txt
    steamcmd.exe +runscript ../update_script.txt
    cd ..

    cd rustds
    RustDedicated.exe -batchmode +server.hostname "Fuck OFF Donkey" +server.port 28015 +server.identity "my_server" +server.seed 1234567 -logFile "output.txt" -autoupdate
    cd ../

    goto start
  3. I had the same issue but here are some things to check.
    Router: Make sure your ports are forwarded
    Firewall: Make sure your firewall is allowing the app from its location through
    Change the server.identity to "something_else" (to be clear that is something other than my_server otherwise it won't get picked up)
    Don't think it matters but you might want to change your server seed to another number and you haven't set a world size.
  4. I'm having no luck getting anything to work. Here's the bat file I have.
  5. Test this and put the server.cfg file into your cfg folder make sure server is offline first

    Attached Files: