Solved Automatic admin login

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by juergen, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. This Plugin exists for Legacy. Perhaps someone can port this to experimental.
  2. When a player is marked as owner or moderator he is automatically marked as admin on the server making a plugin like this obsolete.
  3. something that keeps you logged in even when you leave and come back
  4. that's called users.cfg :x
  5. oh damn, its my ocd......
  6. does anyone know what the users.cfg file contains formatting wise as mine never seems to save
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    ownerid steamid username "reason"


    moderatorid steamid username "reason"

    Everything except for the first part is customizable, with reason being at least "". Each definition goes on a separate line.

    If you tired to add users via commands and didn't use server.writecfg after, then that's your issue.
  8. Thats is possible?
  9. you have oxide permissions that does it all so no point in having flags
    [DOUBLEPOST=1430819428][/DOUBLEPOST]as for auto admin you actually have a config file you can edit to add admins :x
  10. Config File?
  11. look into the support forum there is a well made manual where this is explained
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  13. I tryed rusty, but Im still not admin on my server.
    rcon.login does not work. (experimental looks so hard)
  14. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  15. I tryed This rusty, but i cant still use any admin commands as /radar etc. so, im no admin, whats wrong?
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not all plugins use the same methods to detect admin, so you'd need to check each plugin's Overview page.
  17. Em ..
    Tell me please basic commands for admin, in Legacy that was give.items, god etc.
    In experimental is nothing about that.
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

  19. No one does work ..
  20. did you create a users.cfg in your server directory?


    edit the users.cfg with notepad++ or equivalent

    key in like this : ownerid steamID here "Playername here" "Reason."

    for adding moderator : moderatorid steamid "playername" "reason"