Admin Inventory Cleaner

This is simple plugin that will do what is says it does, clean your inventory :)

Total Downloads: 4,917 - First Release: Apr 20, 2015 - Last Update: Mar 17, 2018

5/5, 10 likes
  1. YEEEEY - I've made a fix for inventory -
                            case "fix":
    Also - Use my version of the cleaning items. It doesn't break player inventory
  2. It works, see the FAQ how to add the permission: Admin Inventory Cleaner for Rust - FAQ | Oxide
    Thanks for the info, I never had any issues with the .Kill(), however I don't mind to update it to the way you did it. If that works better. Why not.
    Thank you for the input. I will update it shortly.
  3. TheDoc updated Admin Inventory Cleaner with a new update entry:


  4. Ooook, why did you left player.inventory.Strip()? And why there is a case "fix"?
    The best way was just to replace
                    if (args.Length == 0)
                        SendChatMessage(player, "<color=lime>Inventory Cleaner</color>: Your Complete Inventory is now clean!");

    foreach(var item in player.inventory.containerBelt.itemList)
                        foreach (var item in player.inventory.containerMain.itemList)
                        foreach (var item in player.inventory.containerWear.itemList)
    Why? Cos overwise the console would be spammed after your death. I've lost the spam command, but it's related to player.inventory.Strip, as i found before
  5. TheDoc updated Admin Inventory Cleaner with a new update entry:


  6. @TheDoc any posibility to add option (also in config true/false) to clean inv of admin when ever he disconnects? So you know, you dont need to run those commands ;) Would prefer the naked full command to be runned when ever admin disconnects. Thanx
  7. That's a good idea. I will add it to the next release. Thanks!
  8. how do you give yourself permission to do the command, im new to the server making things so i have to learn and i cant figure out how
  9. This will grant it to all players:
    grant group default inventorycleaner.allowed

    This will grant it to just one player:

    grant user TheDoc inventorycleaner.allowed
  10. UBI


    oxide.grant group admin inventorycleaner.allowed [ put that in console for those having issues with permissions ]
  11. Does this plugin still work? Can't seem to get it working and checked permissions files and I am in admin group and admin's have inventorycleaner.allowed access.

    Not sure what's going on but the command just doesn't execute when run from in game console.

  12. can you add cleaRinv as well for idiots like me who keep typing clearinv instead of cleaninv lol
  13. can you add a console command to it? i would like to use it with my shop, but with that plug i cannot use the chat commands.
  14. Sure let me add that for you.
    Let me see what I can do for you.
    There is no console support yet, I'm looking into that. Hope the next release will have support for it.
  15. TheDoc updated Admin Inventory Cleaner with a new update entry:


  16. 3 years ago :( do I do inventorycleaner.allowed (name) or how do i do it
  17. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Per the Using Permissions tutorial, oxide.grant group admin inventoryclean.allowed would be a working example to grant the admin group.
  18. @Disowned

    This will grant it to all players:

    oxide.grant group default inventorycleaner.allowed

    This will grant it to just one player:

    oxide.grant user TheDoc inventorycleaner.allowed

    Don't forget about the new one permission for Admins only: inventorycleaner.cleanonexit
  19. love this thing for working with kits. bind a key to /cleaninv and vwallah! :)