

Total Downloads: 23,325 - First Release: Apr 3, 2015 - Last Update: May 5, 2018

4.94262/5, 122 likes
  1. I tried again the eject option but people can still walk into the zone.
    eject - true/false - All players will be kicked from the zone when trying to enter it (will not kick players with authlevel 2 and players in the whitelist (for use with other plugins))
  2. Is it possible to see who added the zone? Because some plugin is addin and removing zones and I don't know which one it is.
  3. Hi, do you think it's possible to add biome zones in your plugin ?
    I mean control biomes separatly like if it is a zone.
  4. I AM having the same issues........its not another plugin, it's the plugin itself. Wulf i have been testing with Zonemanager for 3 days now and something is wrong . Zones are being deleted on reload or restart, the flags are not working properly ......the list goes on.
  5. Agreed
  6. I too am having this issue as well........and zonemanager and botspawn are conflicting.
  7. ok very strange........i did a /zone_list and it came up with only ONE zone which is a zone I just created 15 min ago. I had 7 other zones. BUT I went to one of my warp bases and and the welcome message popped up and the base was not decaying....... So the zone is still there but it's not showing up in /zone_list nor is it in the data file for zone manager.
  8. Found the problem for auto creating zones.
    It was the Hotel plugin.
    Removed it, cleaned the list and now it works
  9. Zones no longer work with the new oxide update
    I create beautiful areas protect it is created but are destructive and I but the good order
    / zone name "refuge" radius 40 nobuild true undestr true nodeploy true noremove true
    It does not protect anything
    A solution ???
    (07:47:55) | Protocol: 2094.164.1
    Build Date: 06/11/2018 13:27:36
    Unity Version: 2018.1.0f2
    Changeset: 27259
    Branch: release
    Oxide.Rust Version: 2.0.3969
  10. Hello all

    how do I edit the zone after doing the edit command? to make the zone bigger
  11. /zone size "100 100 100" For Example
  12. Thank you I will try that
    [DOUBLEPOST=1529932193][/DOUBLEPOST]After reloading the plugin all i get is this:

    (15:07:38) | Compiler may have been closed by interference from security software or install is missing files

    (15:07:38) | Error while compiling: compiler v1.0.0.94 disconnected
  13. Could there maybe be a flag for "ProximitySystem" paid plugin? So it wont detect people in that zone?

    Asked this back in april aswell
  14. Hello again I tried this and it says invalid size

    Hello again

    I tried to do the /zone size 300 300 300 and it worked but then when i tried to make it a bit smaller like 200 200 200, it says

    Invalid size format "x y z"
    200 set to false

    And I see the raidius didnt changed
  15. The "Invalid size format "x y z" error is just telling you to use quotations around your parameters. Your command should be /zone size "300 300 300" (with quotations around it) This is if you want a square or rectangular zone shape. If a sphere zone shape is adequate you can simply do /zone radius 300.

    Remember, anytime you have a command parameter that consists of more than one word or character with spaces in between, you have to put them in quotations.

    Hope that helped
    Any resolution or validity to this? I am not upgrading Oxide if I am going to lose my zones.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2018
  16. Hello everyone.
    I have a suggestion for a small evolution of this plugin.

    On my server, the arenas are close to each other. And I can not separate them.

    As a result players complain about the loud noise of other arena shots and disrupt the game of all.

    My suggestion would be to add a flag for the zone to isolate the outside noise of the zone.

    This new flag would be very appreciable.
    What do you think ? did you meet this need?

    I hope K1lly0u will read this post.
  17. Why can't you separate them? You can have multiple zones with their own individual flags.
  18. I can not. it's structuring.
  19. So you have two arenas in one structure?
  20. Thx Rob.
    i have 14 Arenas. And the noise is strong
    maybe I can find a server variable or a plugin that can reduce the distance of the sounds? (Sound Radius ?)