
Assign shaded sphere entities to physically see the border of zones (ZoneManager)

Total Downloads: 2,535 - First Release: Jun 4, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 18, 2017

5/5, 15 likes
  1. Yep, any plugin that uses ZoneManager will require the ID

    Sure :) , if you have a update planned perhaps you could make a small change to rotation used by BuildingWrapper by @ignignokt84 aswell to save people making modifications
  2. My error log is flooded with : Trying to destroy a valid entity instead of killing it: assets/prefabs/visualization/sphere.prefab
  3. The only time a sphere gets destroyed is on startup or if you remove a zone. I don't see how it could flood your console unless your adding and removing them all the time
  4. can i change the buble color to blue? :p than it looks like a shild from supreme commander 2 :p
  5. Hi, I keep getting message "unable to verify with zonemanager the id xxxxxxxx.
    I have removed my old zone and created a new one. Reloaded both plugins and keep getting this message. I guess I am doing something wrong but I'm not sure what it is. Any help would be appreciated.
  6. Hi after new update i'm getting this error
    [Error] ZoneDomes plugin failed to compile!
    [Error] ZoneDomes.cs(96,24): error CS1061: Type `BaseEntity' does not contain a definition for `LookupPrefabName' and no extension method `LookupPrefabName' of type `BaseEntity' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
  7. here you go

    Attached Files:

  8. Thank you Resistance Excellent job yet again
  9. I think it would be a brilliant idea to adjust transparency of the sphere. I mean its AMAZING for testing and Thank You for creating this wonderful plugin

    Although I like the sphere that much, I'd like to make a slightly transparent one so players can just about see the dome protecting it :p
  10. its just a prefab, so not possible the change it in any way unfortuantely
  11. That's a shame, but good work non-the-less :) It's helped me massively with filling in holes in zones and watching for area's that could be a gap between zones :)
  12. Plugin is loaded fine but I don't get any access, can't create/list, also not getting any error msg. Maybe a noobish Q but what is the permission cmd? I've tried a few but also not working. I'm new to this so pls have a little mercy =) btw zonemanager is working fine so far.
  13. This plugin doesn't use permissions, you only need permission to Zone Manager.

    The command is

    /zd add 123456789 (the number obviously being your zone number, type /zone_list to see a list of your zones... I highly reccomend when you create a zone you do /zone_name "NAME HERE" that way you can easily identify specific zones.

    That's simple it.

    Be careful with this plugin however, if you read my previous comment, unfortunately my server has start suffering a memory leak since installing.
  14. I'm not sure why you would get a memory leak from this, besides adding and removing the domes the plugin is entirely dormant and does nothing. Unless there is a issue with the domes themselves, but I don't think would be the case since they are used in BR
  15. Thanks for reply...
    I know the cmd's, i've read them on the plugin site and /zd add ID as chat cmd is what i all the time try to use but as i said nothing happens, even no error msg. The cmd not to work for me, thats why i thought maybe there are permissions i missed. Sry if i was not clear enough. If i write oxide.reload ZoneDomes the plugin gets reloaded same w. ZoneManager. ZoneManager itself is working, i have 3 zones with working enter/leave msg. No idea what i'm doing wrong. Maybe someone could post an filled example zonedomes_data? So I can see how it looks like! I want try to write the id manually into it, then reload and see if that way works.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2016
  16. Code:
    Error while compiling ZoneDomes.cs(155,21): error CS1501: No overload for method `Spawn' takes `1' arguments
  17. Fix removed I done as coder has updated the plugin
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2016
  18. Thanks!!! :)