1. Hello

    Protocol: 2099.165.1
    Build Date: 07/05/2018 21:14:12
    Unity Version: 2018.1.4f1
    Changeset: 27596
    Branch: main
    Oxide.Rust Version: 2.0.3993
    put RainOfFire.json in to \oxide\lang\fr:
      "incoming": "La pluie de meteore arrive...",
      "help1": "/rof onplayer <opt:playername> - Calls a event on your position, or the player specified",
      "help2": "/rof onplayer_extreme <opt:playername> - Starts a extreme event on your position, or the player specified",
      "help3": "/rof onplayer_mild <opt:playername> - Starts a optimal event on your position, or the player specified",
      "help4": "/rof barrage - Fire a barrage of rockets from your position",
      "help5": "/rof random - Calls a event at a random postion",
      "help6": "/rof intervals <amount> - Change the time between events",
      "help7": "/rof damagescale <amount> - Change the damage scale",
      "help8": "/rof togglemsg - Toggle public event broadcast",
      "calledOn": "Event called on {0}'s position",
      "noPlayer": "No player found with that name",
      "onPos": "Event called on your position",
      "Extreme": "Extreme",
      "Mild": "Mild",
      "randomCall": "Event called on random position",
      "invalidParam": "Invalid parameter '{0}'",
      "smallInter": "Event intervals under 4 minutes are not allowed",
      "interSet": "Event intervals set to {0} minutes",
      "dropMulti": "Global item drop multiplier set to ",
      "damageMulti": "Damage scale set to ",
      "notifDeAct": "Event notification de-activated",
      "notifAct": "Event notification activated",
      "unknown": "Unknown parameter '{0}'"
    in-game, its always displayed in english (Meteor shower incoming).
    I don't want set to lang fr, i dont want only french, EU players dont like this :)

    More plugins have this problem, why??
    I'm going to post here because it's not the only plugin where I have this problem

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Not all plugins use the Lang API and not all of them may be using it properly either.
  3. i need to use/learn LoadDefaultMessage so?

    it seems more complicated than what I say so I will avoid touching it because I do not have any knowledge of C