1. So after the latest oxide/rust update I get this:


    My code is simply this:

            private HitInfo OnEntityTakeDamage(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo hitInfo)
                if (Convert.ToBoolean(Config["bProtectionEnabled"]) == true)
                    OnEntityTakeDamageEx(entity, hitInfo);
                return null;
    Any ideas?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It's mainly just a warning from the recently added hook dispatch, which we'll likely suppress and just use remote logging for it instead. It's rare, but we're not sure how your plugin is triggering it. Looking at your latest plugin changes, it appears all you did was remove the hook-ception where you call your own through it.
  3. Seems to have solved the issue, strange
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    It actually appears to be when there is a hook similarly named, but we're still looking into it.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1444221769,1444138343][/DOUBLEPOST]This should be fixed in the latest snapshots. Thanks for the report!
  5. Good job guys!