1. have a problem on my server and I need help urgently, whenever someone studies some item in the research table comes many blueprints, 30/40/10000, already came up to 5 million, can someone tell me how to fix it?
  2. What pluggins are you running on your server ?
  3. Plugins in screenshots

    Attached Files:

  4. I think xp control has something to do with it, But im not sure
  5. I did a topic and no one helped me, sorry for the double, but I really need help, when the players on my server use the search table comes 99999999 blueprints, which allows them to duplicate items, could anyone help me? I need urgently
  6. It sounds like this might be an issue from the stacking plugin. Can you provide us with a little more detail. What plugins do you use? and can you show us pictures of the issue?
  7. Screenshots

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  8. Previous verstions of rust are unmaintained