1. basically, i am a rust server owner. today, a group of players experienced something really unusual. their boxes, which they stored their loot in, started rapidly decaying. this happened to 5 other people on the server within a 30 minute time bracket. all the building parts were intact and there were no missing links; all building structures connected. also, when the boxes disappear, a C4 would blow up. This only happened to two people, after their boxes vanished.

    another weird thing was that if you dropped an item within that region (inside or outside the house), it instantly disappeared. so say if you dropped a rock, before it hit the group, it disappeared.

    anyone experienced this before?

    p.s.: i checked logs for people spawning in items, nothing suspicious.
    [DOUBLEPOST=1419788701,1419724806][/DOUBLEPOST]can anyone fucking help me?
  2. A long time ago we had this happen on our server and it was caused by a hacker, not much to do against it.
  3. al right. Thanks"!