1. Hello. We all know that in the file oxide.users.data is stored information on the premissions and groups of players on the server. I faced a problem that for half a year, the file weighs 150 MB and keeps 10 million rows. After downloading the server consumed memory - 10 GB. 90% of the players in that file is Unnamed and they don't even have oxide groups. Is there any way to clean this file without losing players with the premissions and groups?

    Attached Files:

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd either have to delete the file and lost the information or write a plugin to clean it as Oxide doesn't have anything natively for that yet.
  3. Do you plan to add the ability to store data in MySQL? It would solve a lot of problems
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Possibly, it is has been talked about as an option.
  5. I hope that soon we will see this opportunity! I am grateful to you for your work!