1. I have 2 servers that restart at 4 A. M. each morning. Since the last update, the players are losing 10 - 12 hours when the servers come back up. I submitted a support ticket to Gameservers and they told me it is a Rust problem and to use the Backup Extended mod for the server saves. I downloaded and installed the mod. Now it is saving, but the payers are getting kicked every time the save runs. My Rcon says it's saving, but I know it is not. I can do server.save and force a save. Any one got any ideas?
  2. Do you have any outdated addons spamming console with Null Refrence bla bla bla? I had a friends whos server wasnt saving until he updated the addon that was spamming the error
  3. Thanks! But no outdated addons. I have updated all of them. I thought the same thing at first. I also checked the log files and there are no errors in those either. I have disabled the auto restart and am using the "server.save" periodically to keep player data up to date.
  4. use Timed Execute and under TimerRepeat put:
    "server.save": 300
    That will save your server every 5min (make it longer or shorter depending on what you want
  5. That worked! Thanks!
  6. Great! If the constant saves cause too much lag look into setting the save intervals to maybe 10-15min or even out to 30 min
  7. So far the saves aren't causing any lag. The players like seeing the "Server Map saved" message in chat. At least they know their stuff is saving.
    Thanks again Razor, this was driving nuts since last Thursday!
  8. im havign issues with my server not saving no reason why so im trying timer execute
    Heres hoping it works

      "EnableInGameTime-Timer": true,
      "EnableRealTime-Timer": true,
      "EnableTimerOnce": true,
      "EnableTimerRepeat": true,
      "InGameTime-Timer": {
        "01:00": "weather rain",
        "12:00": "command 1",
        "15:00": "command 2"
      "RealTime-Timer": {
        "16:00:00": "command1 arg",
        "16:30:00": "command2 arg",
        "17:00:00": "command3 arg",
        "18:00:00": "command4 arg"
      "TimerOnce": {
        "command1 'msg'": 60,
        "command2 'msg'": 120,
        "command3 arg": 180,
        "reset.timeronce": 181
      "TimerRepeat": {
        "server.save": 300,
        "command2 'msg'": 300
    is that correct for the code and it should work fine as it is ??
    also can i turn off all the timers except for timer repeat ?

    mine says saving in console but never no message in chat - should there be ?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2018
  9. timer repeat should only be set to true and this needs removed "command2 'msg'": 300 as this is not a command its only there for you to change it you also should be posting this in the plugin topic for support
  10. try this

      "TimerRepeat": {
        "server.save": 300,
        "say  'Server Map saved' ": 300