

Total Downloads: 14,028 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. Check the spelling of the kit name and also note its case sensitive

    I have added a option to display message every x amount of reward points, or turn it off completely. Also added adjustable points.
    I'm not going to change the command however, it is much easier to change the VoterReward command. If I change this everyone would have to remove/re-edit their lang files. See the attached copy with the command /votereward

    Plugin developer's aren't hear to tend to every single request. We don't get paid to make all these plugins that are available to you, we do it for free, therefore we do it if we think its a good addition, if its necessary and when we have time. 4 days is not something to moan about.
    I won't be adding a chat command to accept a referral. If you read back a page you will see where I clearly explain how it works and the reason why it is pointless to have. It would make absolutely no difference to the way point's are issued and therefore it would be a waste of time

    Attached Files:

  2. k1lly0u updated ServerRewards with a new update entry:


  3. k1lly0u updated ServerRewards with a new update entry:


  4. @k1lly0u I'm having trouble setting up the mod, once ive downloaded it where should I put it and are there certain console commands to do to set it up?
  5. That is correct that you can not cater to every request but i would think when it is the most requested feature you might not just brush it off. It seems to me like you were in such a haste to "burn" me that you did not read that I acknowledged I had read through the other request and it was clear to me that people want a conformation system. It is unclear why you are being to suborn to implement something multiple people have asked for.

    You are incorrect that you do not get paid money to make these. As a matter of fact you have a donation page set up for this plugin. I have donated money to every plugin owner I use on my server. This will be the first one I do not as instead of just saying it is something you are working on or not being pig headed for no clear reason at all you came back with a diatribe about how I was in the wrong.
  6. You need to put the mod in your plugins folder. See => Installing plugins for Rust | Oxide
    As for setting it up, you need the Kits plugin to create the rewards. Information on how to use it can be found on the plugins overview. Once you have done that use the chat commands found on the overview for this plugin to set up the rewards. There is a example on how to add there also.

    Yes multiple people have asked for it, and once it was explained to them they understood the pointless-ness of having such a command. I'm not sure how you perceived that message as a 'burn' lol and I wasn't targeting you or singling you out, but I don't know how you still think adding this command is something that could be useful.
    Go look at any of my plugins, I fulfill 98% of requested features, however I have explained why I won't be adding this feature 2 times already and I think the explanation is justified.
  7. When you create a kit for the reward, do you have to "hide" the kit or create an authlevel for it? This is confusing, cause anyone could get the kit without getting server credits.
  8. Make normal kits
  9. I tested, you have to make the /kit authlevel 2 OR if you just make the kit and then assign it to a reward, anyone can just type /kit name and get the reward without any points
  10. When somebody tries to claim a reward it comes up saying "rewardSyn" what does this mean and how do I go around fixing this?
  11. You can add any conditions to the kit, it's irrelevant to this. If you have a kit that players can only use once per wipe and you also want to give it out as a reward you could use it as the give function ignores any conditions. Otherwise if they are dedicated reward kits make it auth and hide it

    Unload the plugin and delete the Lang file located at /server/oxide/lang, then reload the plugin. If it still does it there must be a typo in the string name
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2016
  12. will give it a go, thank you
    Still getting the same problem
  13. k1lly0u updated ServerRewards with a new update entry:


  14. [Oxide] 18:44 [Error] Failed to call hook 'OnPlayerDisconnected' on plugin 'ServerRewards v0.1.72' (DivideByZeroException: Division by zero)
    [Oxide] 18:44 [Debug] at Oxide.Plugins.ServerRewards.checkForReward (.BasePlayer player) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.ServerRewards.SaveData () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.ServerRewards.SaveLoop () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Plugins.ServerRewards.<OnServerInitialized>m__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
    at Oxide.Core.Libraries.Timer+TimerInstance.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  15. Post your config
  16. "Messages - Display message when given reward points": true,
    "Messages - Display messages every X amount of points": 0,
    "Options - Amount of reward points to give": 1,
    "Options - Data save interval (minutes)": 10,
    "Options - Time played per reward point(minutes)": 60,
    "Options - Use player referrals": true,
    "Options - Use time played": true,
    "Referrals - Points for the invited player": 3,
    "Referrals - Points for the inviting player": 5,
    "Refferals - Points for the invited player": 3
  17. "Messages - Display messages every X amount of points": 0, need to be atleast 1, if you want to disable messages turn the option above it to false
  18. I'm getting double messages in the chat log on every update notification. It's displaying 2 of the same message each time.
  19. k1lly0u updated ServerRewards with a new update entry:


  20. Can you provide an option to turn off brodcasting to the console? My log is getting spammed withbserver rewards, player save....