

Total Downloads: 14,033 - First Release: Mar 2, 2016 - Last Update: Jun 9, 2018

5/5, 61 likes
  1. I'm going for it again, servers been running a couple hours now with imagelibrary loaded and I really don't have a ton of things in my rp shop.
  2. Ok had a test. My two cents.

    Please let us use our old data files if possible although I imagine you tried to accomodate this and it's just not possible. I think we're looking at about 4-5 hours of work to move it all over but we're probably a special case.
    Let us turn off the category splitting or even better, let us select which categories to enable, we for example only sell clothes and weapons in our shop so having all those extra empty tabs look a lil silly.

    I guess to get everything moved over, buy all of your items in the old shop and split it up into kits, load in the new shop and add em all back in.

    p.s. successfully tested the player rewards data conversion and worked.
  3. On my server the plugin works perfectly
  4. Just a question...

    this version have corrected the problem that Show an Empty Kit Page when you have not kits selecteds for be showned on the npc vendor?
  5. Ya I got it going
  6. Trying to remove something I added, but can't find the "ID"
  7. Kill,

    I know this has been brought up a few times. But I have never seen a definitive answer. Could you please answer. Why cant Server Rewards have the option to just use economics only , instead of RP? Would it be too time consuming or not possible to do? My players hate having to always use the exchange tab to convert from economics to RP.

    Sorry for asking this probably for the umpteenth time.
  8. Just get rid of economics - It's unnecessary to use with RP. Just treat RP as the economics currency - work's fine for us.
  9. Same here. Use Rewards plugin to manage join and activity currency. Remove playtime tracker and boom you're streamlined
  10. hey man, did you just make it impossible to put a command that puts a person into a specific group with permission for a timelimit? I used to have one i the earlier version but now it wont let me
  11. Not working after update?
  12. well it seems to be removed using command: addgroup $ bgrade 10m , atleast thats what I was able to use before this update
  13. I've searched and searched and searched. I've looked on Google, through these forums, and through every single file that this plugin creates but I am unable to find which file I need to alter in order to increase the amount of RP gained per hour. If someone could point me in the right direction, that would really be appreciated.

    Also, is it possible to make the gain rate faster? Meaning would it be possible to gain 1 RP per minute, maxing out at 60 per hour while only broadcasting to you on the top of the hour?
  14. I have an issue where players loose rewards points every time the server restarts (currently every 24hrs) how do I make it so players retain points indefinately I want them to be able to add points up over time.

    I am using playtime tracker and have questioned the issue on its pages, and it has been suggested this is due to the recent update of server rewards, is anyone else experiencing this issue with the new version??
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
  15. Absolutely cool plugin ...
    Any chance we can manipulate the category's, or select which categories to display (under the Items tab)?
    Maybe have a page just like KITS, but for Items (under no category).
  16. How do I figure out my "iconName" for kits? It's just "null," right now.. I want a quarry kit to have a picture of a quarry, for example. I get that normal items just pull the icons down automatically, but how do I set icons for kits?

    Also.. the mouse cursor issue is still somewhat present and occasionally makes you accidentally buy whatever was in the middle of the screen (where the cursor jumps to by default).
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
  17. Great update, really dig the categories. However ImageLibrary is missing numerous icons, is there any way we can specify an image override?
  18. k1lly0u updated ServerRewards with a new update entry:


  19. If open, should be closed!
    Are no???

                if (uiManager.IsOpen(player))
                    uiManager.DestroyUI(player, true);
  20. no... if open dont open it again