

Total Downloads: 10,609 - First Release: Aug 29, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 53 likes
  1. ShowInfoOnPlayerInit shows the info to a player whenever they join, and ShowInfoOnlyOncePerRuntime controls it showing only once - but won't do anything if the other option is set to "false". "true" and "false" are the two values you want to use.

    The two options you want to look at are below.
      "ShowInfoOnPlayerInit": false,
      "ShowInfoOnlyOncePerRuntime": false,
  2. The plugin isn't updating money balance after the last game update.
  3. What? Does this plugin do something with currency I've never heard of?
  4. Mistake.I posted to InfoPanel, mixed up the two.Sorry.
  5. whats wrong with this

      "settings": {
        "Tabs": [
            "ButtonText": "Info about [Eu][BuBa][PvP][Clans][NPC][+More]",
            "HeaderText": "Info",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "- <color=cyan> - Welcome to [Eu][BuBa][PvP][Clans][NPC][+More].</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - BuBa is a PvP server, You cant destory bases only steal. You can kill and steal/loot other players.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - Always read everything inside the book to be sure you have all the info you need before playing on this server.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - This server was started 14/12/2017 and will be worked on. All new updates or changed you will be informed of.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - NPCs can be found around the map, some are friendly some are not. Make sure to be on your guard.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - On the server we use economics, you start with 2500. You can spend money in the</color><color=yellow> /shop.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - You can get money by killing animals or players, gathering and looting.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - This server use teleports and everyone can use them, and it will cost money to use teleport.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - Home. You can place a daily limit of 5 sethome but you can only have 1 home teleport.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - You can level different gathering skills. This will make you get more loot from that skill.</color>",
                  "- <color=red> - Always loot everything in a lootbox or any kind of looting to make sure it will respawn.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - It will be events form times to times but it will be shown and informed on the server hours before.</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - To open this infopanel at anytime write</color><color=yellow> /info</color>",
                  "- <color=cyan> - Owner on the server</color><color=red> Rexhat</color>"
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Rules on [Eu][BuBa][PvP][Clans][NPC][+More]",
            "HeaderText": "Rules",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "1) <color=red> - Do only use english in global chat.</color>",
                  "2) <color=red> - Always loot everything in a lootbox or any kind of looting to make sure it will respawn.</color>",
                  "3) <color=red> - Respect all players.</color>",
                  "4) <color=red> - Do not build/block around/over crates.</color>",
                  "5) <color=red> - Do not block/build on monuments or caves.</color>",
                  "6)  <color=red> - Do not block/build on furnaces, oil pumps or mining quarries.</color>",
                  "7) <color=red> - Do not destroy players bases.</color>",
                  "8)  <color=red> - Harassment, rasicm, discriminations or any kind of this is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN.</color>",
                  "9) <color=red> - Hacking/cheating will result in BAN.</color>",
                  "10) <color=red> - Always make sure your house is safe even if it cant be raided.</color>",
                  "11)   <color=red> - Killing and stealing is ALLOWED and will NOT be punished.</color>",
                  "12) <color=red> - Killing NPCs is ALLOWED (Some NPCs are unkillable).</color>",
                  "13)  <color=red> - Advertising is not allowed! (Advertising other servers.)</color>",
                  "14) <color=red> - Do Not Ask The Admin for Items</color>",
                  "15)  <color=red> - Do Not Spam Chat.</color>"
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Commands",
            "HeaderText": "Commands in chat",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "<color=cyan> - /info - Opens Info panel.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /balance - Checks your balance.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /transfer [name][amount] - Transfer [amount] to [name] player.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /shop - Opens shop.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /kit - See the full list of available kits for you.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /kit [Kitname] - Choose a kit.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /home add [name] - Saves your current position as the location name.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /home list - Shows you a list of all the locations you have saved.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /home remove [name] - Removes the location of your saved homes.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /home[<name] - Teleports you to the home location.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /tpr [player name] - Sends a teleport request to the player.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /tpa - Accepts an incoming teleport request.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /tpc - Cancel teleport or request.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /town - Teleports yourself to town.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /tpinfo - Shows limits and cooldowns.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /playtime - Display your playtime.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /playtime top - Display the top play time.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /remove - give remove to player.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /stats - displays stats.</color>"
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Clans",
            "HeaderText": "Clans Commands",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan - Displays relevant information baout your current clan.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /c Message... - Sends a message to all online clan members.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan create "TAG" "Description" - Creates a new clan you own.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan join "TAG" - Joins a clan you have been invited to.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan leave - Leaves your current clan.</color>",
                  "<color=yellow>Commands for clan Moderator:</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan invite "Player-name" - Invites a player to your clan.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan kick "Player-name" - Kick a member from your clan.</color>",
                  "<color=red>Commands for clan Owner:",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan promote  "Name" - Promotes a member to moderator.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan demote "Name" - Demotes a moderator to member.</color>",
                  "<color=cyan> - /clan disband forever - Disables your clan</color><color=yellow> (no undo).</color>"
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Events",
            "HeaderText": "Events Coming soon",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "<color=cyan>Events coming soon</color>"
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Vote",
            "HeaderText": "Votes Coming soon",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "<color=orange>Votes coming soon!</color>",
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Must Read!",
            "HeaderText": "Build Cupboard inside your base to avoid Decay!",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                  "<color=red>You must place a Cupboard to avoid decay!!</color>",
                  "<color=red>If you dont place a Cupboard, your house will</color><color=yellow>DECAY REALLY FAST!</color>",
                  "<color=red>Always make sure to place a <color=yellow>CupBoard</color>)</color>)"
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
            "ButtonText": "Staff",
            "HeaderText": "Staff on this server.",
            "Pages": [
                "TextLines": [
                "ImageSettings": []
            "TabButtonAnchor": 4,
            "TabButtonFontSize": 16,
            "HeaderAnchor": 0,
            "HeaderFontSize": 32,
            "TextFontSize": 16,
            "TextAnchor": 3,
            "OxideGroup": ""
        "ShowInfoOnPlayerInit": true,
        "ShowInfoOnlyOncePerRuntime": true,
        "TabToOpenByDefault": 0,
        "Position": {
          "MinX": 0.15,
          "MaxX": 0.9,
          "MinY": 0.2,
          "MaxY": 0.9
        "BackgroundImage": {
          "Enabled": true,
          "Position": {
            "MinX": 0.0,
            "MaxX": 1.0,
            "MinY": 0.0,
            "MaxY": 1.0
          "Url": "",
          "TransparencyInPercent": 100
        "ActiveButtonColor": "#00CED1",
        "InactiveButtonColor": "#2F4F4F",
        "CloseButtonColor": "#DF0101",
        "NextPageButtonColor": "#127127127255",
        "PrevPageButtonColor": "#127127127255",
        "BackgroundColor": "#000000",
        "HelpButton": {
          "IsEnabled": true,
          "Text": "",
          "Position": {
            "MinX": 0.75,
            "MaxX": 0.83,
            "MinY": 0.02,
            "MaxY": 0.1
          "Color": "#080b19",
          "FontSize": 18
        "UpgradedConfig": true
    [DOUBLEPOST=1513374925][/DOUBLEPOST]nvm, found out what it was.
  6. Would someone be able to post a working config so that I would be able to rewrite? The config file has a small amount of text, when I attempt to add alot of text, it reverts the JSON file back to the original. Very frustrating.
  7. It will only revert back to original if there is an issue with the file you've provided. If you can't find the source of the problem, you can test your json file in an online json code tester. Most often the problem is an extra or missing comma.
  8. Sooooo Im looking to center any text I use... any help on fixing this?

    Attached Files:

  9. @Fujikura Could you make this plugin use ImageLibrary, so it wont have to load the images everytime someone opens the menu.
  10. I thnk its just <center></center> Im not sure tho
  11. erm...i dont spose someone has written a simple gui editor to let us drip in blocks/lists of formatted text and have it all nicely chopped up into lines and assembled in the json format needed with all the extra code and brackets etc?
  12. I'm not sure if this can be done. The client actually formats the text into the text areas it is given, and since clients can have different display ratios, the text can't be predicted as to where the line ends because depending on that ratio, more or less text will fit in a single line.

    ...then again, a max character count could be set for each line, which would be equal to, or less than, the least amount of characters which could fit on a single line of text for any display ratio.
  13. anyway to stop this showing on log in
    Only want it showing if they type /info
  14. Yep at the bottom of config:
        "ShowInfoOnPlayerInit": true, // Change to false
        "ShowInfoOnlyOncePerRuntime": true, // change to false (i think)
        "TabToOpenByDefault": 0,
        "Position": {
          "MinX": 0.15,
          "MaxX": 0.9,
          "MinY": 0.2,
          "MaxY": 0.9
    Also if anyone is looking I have included my old .json that includes a lot of pre-written commands info, butcher it as you please

    Attached Files:

  15. thanks i always hated that popping up each time
    Im going to check your json out Prymary
  16. Nope this dosent work either.... damn I dont know if its possible to center text in ServerInfo
  17. sorry if it has already been answered- How can I remove the additional Tabs? I just want the main page. 2nd How do I change the logo's? I tried following the website and it just goes to the logo. Is there a way to change the total background color from the default bright blue? I was reading all the options for colors but I can't find the one that just changes the background color and not the text colors.
  18. Sometimes when I spawn in I cant click close

    How do I fix this?
  19. I've heard players have the same problems. When they connect they cant click close and then they have to reconnect.

    I dont think that's very good for the playerbase
  20. has anyone made something like this? and when you click the button the codelock sound goes off any idea on how to do this?

    Attached Files: