1. Okay, So,

    I have an Oxide server through Multiplay, so im using the ClanForge control panel and for some reason on starting up my server for the first time, completely Plug-In free the Radiation in Radtowns and Air fields is disabled.

    Im pretty new to the whole admin thing so im pretty ignorant on the Plug-Ins side of things, Zone manager looks crazy complex for what i actually want, which is simply the standard, vanilla Rads back!

    ive tried ''server.radiation true'' in Multiple places, Ingame RCON, control Panel RCON, as a /chat command and even in the Server.cfg inside the ClanForge control panel to no real avail, the command works on the ClanForge panel but only until restart, at which point the Rads are gone again, Would appreciate any suggestions :)

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The command works, you just aren't saving it anywhere that the server loads. You'd either need to use the AutoCommands plugin or the real server.cfg file that is actually read by the server. You may need to contact your host for the server.cfg to work, as they may be storing it in the wrong location.
  3. Ahh Wonderful :D AutoCommands did the trick, Cheers Wulf!
  4. Is server radiation still a thing? I don't seem to have it on my server anyone. Server.Radiation set to true as well.
  5. Rather than creating a new thread i thought i'd bump this one again. No luck getting rad town radiation happening. Any ideas?
  6. In the new towns are no radiation zones and airfield zone got removed. If you want to have radiation there, you need to look for a radiation plugin for oxide. Maybe this one..

    Monument Radiation for Rust | Oxide