1. Trying to start an updated Alpha 15 test server, but keep running into an error with the Console.

    Keeps saying: Could not find the executable at 'D:steamCMD

    Has anyone else found a solution to this issue?

    Attached Files:

  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    What does your command-line/script look like?
  3. Eh? I'm just running the Server.exe

    I'm honestly not sure what you're asking. (I'm an idiot)
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Is your RoK.exe in the same directory as Server.exe?
  5. Yes, it's in the same folder. It seems to be looking for it directly in the D:steamCMD folder though. Is there a way to change the directory it looks in on launch?
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I don't know, I'm not really familiar with their Server.exe. It should be looking directly in the same folder though.
  7. The first time you run Server.exe it generates a config file (ConsoleSettings.cfg) under the Configuration folder in your server's root directory, in this config it stores the path to RoK.exe. So if you've launched the Server.exe once before moving it to its own folder you will need to set the path manually or remove the current ConsoleSettings.cfg file.

    This is what the config looks like:
    # -- Code}{atch Console Settings --
    exePath = 'D:\Servers\Game\ReignOfKings\latest\ROK.exe'
    lastProcessId = '-1'
    lastConsolePort = '11072'
    connectionTimeOut = '30'   # The amount of time, in seconds, before the console will restart a server for not responding.
    shutdownCommand = '/shutdown'
    restartCommand = '/restart'
    shutdownTimeout = '10'   # The amount of time, in seconds, before the server is forced to exit.# -- Logs --
    showDebugLogs = 'True'
    showInfoLogs = 'True'
    showWarningLogs = 'False'
    showErrorLogs = 'True'
    showExceptionLogs = 'True'# -- Scripting Files --
    # Place these files next to Console.exe and they will be run when specified.
    # OnStart.bat - Runs before the game server is about to start.
    # OnRestart.bat - Runs after the server has shut down but only when the restart command was used.
    # OnShutdown.bat - Runs after the game server has shut down.
  8. Thanks so much Mughisi!