1. Hey there,

    with a little help i just got my server up and im able to use the admin commands.
    now i want
    1. my friends being able to join
    2. my server on the serverlist

    from what i know i only needed to do the port forwarding?
    i did that.. for 28015 and 28016 like described in a other thread (im not running rcon but i added 28016 if i may run it in the future) enabled 28015 on both tcp and udp

    afterwards i asked a friend to join my server via client.connect ip:28015 -> failed or server doesnt respond
    while im in it, destroying helis...

    did i miss anything on my way or?

    edit: heres my start bat


    D:\Games\SteamCMD\steamcmd.exe +login anonymous +app_update 258550 validate +quit


    RustDedicated -batchmode -load -server.ip (my personal ip) -server.port 28015 -server.hostname "Sekkonds testserver" -server.description "this is my first server" -server.maxplayers 10 -server.seed 562315 -server.worldsize 3000 -server.identity my_server -chat.serverlog 1 -server.netlog 1 server.saveinterval 300 -autoupdate

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2018
  2. any ideas?
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Sounds like the port still isn't forwarded if nobody can connect from outside your network via direct connect. If you are behind a router though, make sure you aren't setting server.ip to your external IP; it needs to either be or your LAN IP of that machine.
  4. Need to allow it in windows firewall as well