Universal Players statistics website

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by grenkwow, Jun 30, 2016.

  1. Hello need to know if there is a way to put the player statistics in ma website.
    I have seen many websites servers but not how to do it.

    Example: Top Killer, Top Player Time..
  2. Write to me in PM, maybe i can help.
  3. I am working on that.
  4. You can look at plugins like KillStreaks ( KillStreaks for Rust | Oxide) or PlayerRankings ( Player Rankings for Rust | Oxide ) For the code on tracking that type of information.

    In terms of displaying it, you could read the files they store the stats in ( oxide/data) and display on your webpage, or you could write a new plugin and store directly to a file or database(ideally MySQL). You could also use Rusty or another rcon client and have it send the plugins commands to and display like that.
  5. Or you can simply use Rusty Admin Tool and him function

    I am using it for my website, and everything work fine

    yourServerIp:8888/getPlayersGlobalStats => give all players stats

    yourServerIp:8888/getPlayerGlobalStats?id=PlayerSteamId => give stat to associated steamid

    The only convenient is you are force to keep rusty connected h24 to your server to get all stats resgistered but with auto reconnect, it's not hard
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  6. rustservers.io
  7. Hmm, this won't work if you're running your server on a Linux box though.
  8. could you explain more detailed how i can do that ? :D i didnt get it.. i am using this rcon tool and i can display all the statistics in it. but how do i get them on my webpage ?
  9. Hello,

    You have to use http request, you can any method of call.
    I am using curl function to get information from the server.
  10. Hello anyone know plugins that shows statistics/ranks and stuff like that on my website?
  11. Sorry for reviving an old thread but I bumped into this one frequently while doing my research.
    Hoping the following information might help OP or anyone reading this topic.

    I've written a small website with a bit a statistics using the "Player Challenges" (Player Challenges for Rust | Oxide) plugin for Oxide. This plugin tracks everything I needed and puts it in a neat little .json file in the data folder. The way I'm doing the statistics on my website (http://th-uk.com/rust/stats.php) is by using PHP to pull this .json data file (and a few others) from the server through FTP.

    Using those files I can easily decode the json and use the information as an array in PHP to build my website. I've added a few things like caching and such and run a cron every 5 minutes to pull in the .json file from the server. The end result is a clean and almost live statistics page!

    Team Howl - Portal

    I'm working on a full 'CMS' kind of system that I will release in the future for other server owners to have a neat little informative webpage like I'm building right now hoping people will be interested in this!
  12. hello :) can you please share your stats.php ? i think we can also make symlink from oxide/data/.json to /var/www/html :)