Player Ranks

Player ranks and stats database

Total Downloads: 4,867 - First Release: Mar 4, 2017 - Last Update: May 29, 2018

5/5, 19 likes
  1. nope all normal ile send you some info

     "Admin": false,
          "Name": "dsdfsdf",
          "PVPKills": 20,
          "PVPDistance": 152.85,
          "PVEKills": 88,
          "PVEDistance": 336.6,
          "Deaths": 18,
          "BarrelsDestroyed": 156,
          "HeliHits": 0,
          "HeliKills": 0,
          "Suicides": 4,
          "TimesWounded": 4,
          "ExplosivesThrown": 65,
          "ArrowsFired": 40,
          "BulletsFired": 656,
          "TurretsDestroyed": 3,
          "SleepersKilled": 11,
          "NPCsKilled": 0,
          "RocketsLaunched": 148,
          "TimesHealed": 30,
          "KDR": 1.11,
          "SDR": 0.22,
          "StructuresBuilt": 583,
          "ItemsDeployed": 1935,
          "ItemsCrafted": 249,
          "EntitiesRepaired": 76,
          "StructuresDemolished": 2,
          "ResourcesGathered": 177065,
          "StructuresUpgraded": 120
  2. Heh..I was talking to the other guy, but thank you for trying! :)

    Wombat, do the guys on your server have any issue with other auto-keybinds, like M for LustyMap or K for kits?
    If they manually type bind j "ToggleTops" into console, does j then work for them?

    Thank you.
  3. not that i know about they havent said anything
  4. kk. If you could find out both things for sure, that'd help. :)
  5. Steenamaroo updated PlayerRanks with a new update entry:


  6. Is there a way of connecting this to a SQL DaterBase So I can view it on a webpage?
  7. ok finally got a error that you can work with here it is

    [Logger] player ran command: /pr tops
    [Logger] playerran command: global.ToggleTops True
    Failed to call hook 'cmdTarget' on plugin 'PlayerRanks v1.1.1' (FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.)
  8. Hi,
    If it's getting as far as calling cmdTarget, that means it shouldn't make a difference whether they press j or type /pr tops.
    I think neither should work.

    Do you have a modified lang/en/PlayerRanks?
    If so, check with vanilla for me, please.

    Also, sending PM.
    Hi SnowGumP,
    At present there is no SQL support, but it's possible to parse the data json to an html table in the mean time.
    I think someone posted a guide in the rankme thread if you want to look that up?
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2017
  9. @RuArt and @Wombat

    If you guys happen to find solutions, even issue is user error, can you please report that here?
  10. Removed an extra space in start.bat and added outlog.txt
    Returned the plug-in and did not crash, also installed a new version
    Old version and new version not crashed.
    I did not understand the reason for the crash, there was a bug.
    I read it like something you fixed, before the plugin was updated, it also stopped crash

    Thx update plugins
  11. I'm not really sure what happened. :p

    Either way, thank you for updating and letting us know. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2017
  12. Do you know when you may add sql?....
  13. Honestly, no. I hadn't really thought too much about it yet.
    Leave it with me. ;)
  14. sweet, that would be great to see :)
  15. Hi,
    I think it's best to keep PlayerRanks to the one job, particularly when other rank/title plugins exist.

    I didn't realise how much of the same ground is covered between PC and PR, but PC is more specific and tailored for the job,
    having clothes crafted and specific weapon titles, for example.

    If I tried to implement the same in PR, it'd really just be covering the same ground as K1lly0u but, undoubtedly, not as well. ;)

    Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  16. MySQL db mirroring will be in the next version.
    If there are any specific requirements or requests, please let me know here while I'm working on it. :)
  17. Why could this be happening to me?

    [03/31/2017 11:52:50] [PlayerRanks] loopinum
    [03/31/2017 11:52:50] Failed to run a 600.00 timer in 'PlayerRanks v1.1.1' (FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.)
  18. Hi,
    What do you have in your config for "Random Top List timer"?
    [DOUBLEPOST=1490975804][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually, scratch that.

    I guess you've edited the lang and there's a mistake somewhere.
    Backup your /lang/en/PlayerRanks.json then delete it and reload the plugin.

    If that fixes it, check your backup for syntax errors.
  19. Running fine, removing everything and re-adding it.