1. How can i hook when a player closes a container (Large Wooden Box)?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Well, you could check if the player is looting or not, but there isn't a hook for that right now that I am aware of.
  3. Okey.

    I see that Quick Sort mod is using "private void PlayerStoppedLooting(BasePlayer player)", but im not sure what hooks it...

    Thank you anyway.
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That's an internal hook that they made for inside their plugin. There isn't any actual hook named that.

    There's also another topic on this as well: Detecting player stops looting container? (Lua) | Oxide.
  5. I was about to use that, when i saw this
    Hook changes    Added OnPlayerLootEnd(PlayerLoot inventory) hook.
    Thank you =)