1. Hello, i'm a Unity3D client side developer, and i want to get into oxide script developing.
    I want to create a simple plugin so i can start with an easy project.

    Is there any hook when a player is killed, does it have discrimination of pvp, pve, other?... Thank you.
  2. I'm not a developer, but as far as I know all the kills are not divided on pvp, pve and etc. If I'm wrong, please correct me.
  3. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    There's currently no hook for when a player is killed, but even with it added, you'd have to handle the pvp, pve, etc. with your plugin.
  4. With the last patch this appears: OnDeathNotice(string name, EntityEffectSourceData source)

    And you can access this with "source.SourceDescriptionKey"
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    That isn't meant to be used for a death detection hook, only for cancelling the default message, so I wouldn't rely on it. The hook you should be using is OnPlayerDeath which actually provides the PlayerSession and source too.