Rust One home per foundation

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JohnS_87, May 15, 2015.

  1. Hey guys,

    I was just curious if there was a plugin that only allowed one home per set of linked foundations. Say if someone raided a base that had a home set in it by the owner, the raider wouldn't be able to set home in it because someone has already "claimed" it.

    Anything like this? I'm fine with getting raided. Cheers to those who can actually get up to my base and into it. It just sucks when they set a home in it and the only option is to move out, or eliminate all the foundations and start over.

    Thanks in advance!

    PS - this is for Rust Experimental (Oxide 2.0.910)...sorry!
  2. Hi! I think you use m-Teleportation System (sethome)... in your m-Teleportation config ... enable these three:

    "CheckFoundationForOwner": true
    "ForceOnTopOfFoundation": true
    "UseFriendsAPI": true (you'll need Friends API plugin:

    The errors of that guy who raided you: "You can only save a home location on a foundation!" if he's not on the foundation and /or "You can't set your home on someone else's house." and/or "You need to be in your own or in a friend's house to set your home!"

    If i am wrong, pls correct me!