1. hi
    im bought dedicated server ovhhosting OS : windows server 2016

    TCP/UDPport 28015 open , RustDedicated program IP,Port all open, windows firewall not work

    it worked well on my computer but OVHHosting computer is not

    and client.connect ip : port is work

    ovh hosting problem?

    help me pls
  2. Wait 24-48 hours.
  3. what do you mean?
  4. Server will not appear in 1 seconds. Wait 24-48 hour, and then if you will not appear - we will try to help you.

    (OFC if now you can contact to your server throught IP.e.t.c)
  5. I dont know what you're talking about. 24~48 hours?
    I tried with my computer and other hosting computer
    displayed in channel list in 1 min... is normal
  6. Which server do you have? Gameserver? If yes, you need to configure the Gamefirewall.
  7. no OVHHosting - dedicated server
  8. You're not using a failover IP for the server are you?
  9. yes im not use
    Is that a problem?
  10. @NaJunHui Yes, huge problem right now. Steam updated the server culling API and is now affecting fail over IPs, particularly OVH's since they route with a /32 network mask through their dhcp server.

    There is a temporary fix by post routing your machines IP with your failover IP on Linux, haven't tested on Windows.

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING --destination -j SNAT --to <FAILOVERIP>
    Confirm entry
    iptables -t nat -nv -L POSTROUTING
    I am not familiar with the netsh interface to give you accurate information about post routing.
  11. but .. my OS windows server 2016
  12. Solved the problem....
  13. What did you have to do? We're having the same issue from a different host
  14. Most of modded servers host from South Korea or other Asian countries not exposing to the list. What did you do for the solution?