

Total Downloads: 2,413 - First Release: Mar 12, 2015 - Last Update: Dec 12, 2017

5/5, 5 likes
  1. Noob here, if i just delete the config file an the plugin an install it again will that just update it right?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Yes, delete the config and then install the newest version.
  3. perfect!! thank you
  4. Can't disable "ReceivedForPlaying" and "ReceivedWelcomeBonus"
  5. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    For ReceivedWelcomeBonus, you just set it to 0.0. The other I don't check for as it is the base feature of the plugin...
  6. No Wulf, there are a problem with the plugin, i translated message for my french server and i changed amount, its working.

    But somtimes there are this message :

    Attached Files:

  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Money for playing is not the same as the welcome bonus. There is no setting to disable the money for playing, as that's the base feature of this plugin.
  8. nonono wulf, i understand its the base of plugin, and i did my moneyforplaying in french and with better amount in config, but default message with default amount stay...

    I have two moneyforplaying
  9. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Did you reload the plugin after editing? It pulls the message from the config if it is available, otherwise it uses the default.
  10. Aha found, i was using an old config file updated, with old config more new config...
  11. We can have differents money ?

    For example, i have for basic player :
      "BasePayout": 100.0,
      "PayoutInterval": 600,
    and for example, i want for VIP players :
      "BasePayout": 200.0,
      "PayoutInterval": 600,
    We can use permissions or other ?
  12. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    Currently no, but I may add something like that in the future.
  13. TimeAliveBonus": true,
    "TimeAliveMultiplier": 1.0,

    but does not multiply at all
    [DOUBLEPOST=1453248935][/DOUBLEPOST]ok works but at $10.00 it mutiplays to outragus number at 1.0 1 min of playtime gives around 100.00

    "BasePayout": 10.0,
    "PayoutInterval": 600,
    "ReceivedForPlaying": "You've received ${amount} for actively playing!",
    "ReceivedForTimeAlive": "You've received ${amount} for staying alive for {time}!",
    "ReceivedWelcomeBonus": "You've received ${amount} as a welcome bonus!",
    "TimeAliveBonus": false,
    "TimeAliveMultiplier": 1.0,
    "WelcomeBonus": 2500.0
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2016
  14. Hey there,
    To start, I am new to server hosting.
    I am currently hosting a Tournament-style server with last man standing styled rounds. I want to have a CSGO-esque shop before the round so the players can purchase weapons, armor, and meds for the round. Is there a way using this mod that I can instantly payout a configurable amount to everyone in the server? If not, would it be difficult to add? It would be immensely helpful for what I am trying to accomplish, and I can't find another mod that does this. The economy give money command cannot be done to all players.

    Thank you!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2016
  15. Hello, How is calculate the time alive money? i have set the multiplier to 0.05 but i think he give too money when we die, is there a variable which i can set to adjust this please???
  16. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The math is a bit odd right now, it needs some re-working.
  17. Hello, not sure if the money continues to snowball even when players logged off? because when i log on it says i have $87925 for actively playing lol
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    I need to tweak the math some.
  19. @Wulf, can you add oxide perms on this plugin please?

    Want do moneytime only for ViP :)
  20. A little mod I did to make the messages look nicer. I release this on the @KUSH-gaming
      void Payout(BasePlayer player, float amount, string message)
                if (!Economics && !Reconomy) return;
                Economics?.Call("Deposit", player.userID, amount);
                Reconomy?.Call("Deposit", player.userID, amount);
                var namt = String.Format("{0:#,##0.00;(#,##0.00);Zero}", amount); //Currency 2decimals
                PrintToChat(player, message.Replace("{amount}", namt));