1. FR: Salut voila en voulant exporté ma map avec Unity Personal (64bit) 5.3.5f1
    au format "mamap.win64.map" celle-ci ce s'exporte pas à ce format donc impossible de l'ajouter à mon serveur, aider moi s'il vous plait je ne voit pas comment faire

    EN: thus Safety here is wanting exported my map with Unity Personal 64bit 5.3.5f1 in the format "mymap.win64.map" this one it is exported not in this format impossible to add it to my waiter, to help I please I does not how see making
  2. You need to open the project using the "PC, Mac & Linux Standalone" platform. Use Control+Shift+B in unity to open your build settings and make sure the "PC, Mac & Linux Standalone" platform is selected (should have the little unity symbol, double click it)
    If it is not, reinstall Unity and select the platform during the install.

    Once you have changed that, go to Assets > Build Level Windows Only and it will compile all the files you need.
    You can find you files in your UnityProject folder. Maps will located at "Hurtworld Map Editor SDK\UnityProject\maps"