Kill Feed

Displays a basic Kill Feed on screen!

Total Downloads: 17,786 - First Release: Nov 9, 2015 - Last Update: Oct 27, 2017

5/5, 36 likes
  1. Im have same issue!
  2. Sometimes scientists show up in the killfeed as players.
    I have my killfeed setup so it only shows player deaths, but it will show random scientists names from times to time and if you're using botspawn, it will show scientist deaths every time.
  3. An idea ?
  4. how can i use permissions?
  5. Will this plugin be updated by anyone? or has it been updated by anyone? I am looking for support for the recent Rust update.
  6. +1

    It would be very good indeed !
  7. I get this in my console every time anything dies
    Failed to call hook 'OnEntityDeath' on plugin 'KillFeed v1.17.0' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
      at Oxide.Plugins.KillFeed+StringHelper.RemoveSpecialCharacters (System.String str, System.Boolean[] characters, Boolean flag) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.KillFeed.FormatUsername (System.String username) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.KillFeed.GetKillFeedEntry (Oxide.Plugins.EntryData entryData) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.KillFeed.OnWoundedOrDeath (Oxide.Plugins.EntryData entryData) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.KillFeed.OnEntityDeath (.BaseCombatEntity entity, .HitInfo info) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.KillFeed.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0
      at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00000] in :0 
  8. I just started getting a rectangular white box behind the kill feed
  9. Happened to me when I first installed the plugin, had to reinstall it. You could try reloading the plugin maybe deleting the config, and reloading the plugin.
  10. I tried reloading, deleting, redownloading, reinstalling, restarting my server, nothing works. This only started today.
  11. Here is my config file maybe this can help, just run the command oxide.reload KillFeed

    I could probably mess around and edit this config file to support missing icons since it uses the wiki to pull for icons, but with scientists we would need to edit the .cs file

    I will mess around with it later and see if I can get it working.

    *We can probably find out how it works since Death Notes another similar plugin updated recently to support the updates*

      "1. General": {
        "1.1 chat icon": "76561198263554080",
        "1.2 Text": {
          "1.2.1 font": "robotocondensed-bold.ttf",
          "1.2.2 outline": false,
          "1.2.3 font size": 14,
          "1.2.4 number of characters": 56,
          "1.2.5 remove special characters": true,
          "1.2.6 remove tags": true
        "1.3 Eligible For Entry": {
          "1.3.1 animals": true,
          "1.3.2 player deaths": true
        "1.4 Monitoring": {
          "1.4.1 log entries": false,
          "1.4.2 print entries to console": false,
          "1.4.3 debugging": 0
      "2. Kill Feed": {
        "2.1 formatting": "{initiator}§{hitBone}§{distance}§{hitEntity}",
        "2.2 number of entries": 3,
        "2.3 destroy after": 30.0,
        "2.4 Dimensions": {
          "2.4.1 width": 0.3,
          "2.4.2 icon half-height": 0.2
        "2.5 Position": {
          "2.5.1 x": 0.155,
          "2.5.2 y": 0.95
        "2.6 Spacing": {
          "2.6.1 horizontal": 0.0,
          "2.6.2 vertical": -0.005
        "2.7 Fade": {
          "2.7.1 in": 0.0,
          "2.7.2 out": 0.0
        "2.8 Colors": {
          "2.8.1 inititator": "#82d800",
          "2.8.2 info": "#ffffff",
          "2.8.3 hit entity": "#800000",
          "2.8.4 npc": "#e02c2c"
      "3. Data": {
        "3.1 use server file storage": true,
        "3.2 file directory": "",
        "3.3 Files": {
          "autoturret": "f/f9/Auto_Turret_icon.png",
          "axe.salvaged": "c/c9/Salvaged_Axe_icon.png",
          "barricade.metal": "b/bb/Metal_Barricade_icon.png",
          "barricade.wood": "e/e5/Wooden_Barricade_icon.png",
          "barricade.woodwire": "7/7b/Barbed_Wooden_Barricade_icon.png",
          "": "1/19/Bone_Club_icon.png",
          "bow.hunting": "2/25/Hunting_Bow_icon.png",
          "crossbow": "2/23/Crossbow_icon.png",
          "explosive.satchel": "0/0b/Satchel_Charge_icon.png",
          "explosive.timed": "6/6c/Timed_Explosive_Charge_icon.png",
          "flamethrower": "5/55/Flame_Thrower_icon.png",
          "flameturret": "f/f9/Flame_Turret_icon.png",
          "gates.external.high.stone": "8/85/High_External_Stone_Gate_icon.png",
          "gates.external.high.wood": "5/53/High_External_Wooden_Gate_icon.png",
          "grenade.beancan": "b/be/Beancan_Grenade_icon.png",
          "grenade.f1": "5/52/F1_Grenade_icon.png",
          "guntrap": "",
          "hammer.salvaged": "f/f8/Salvaged_Hammer_icon.png",
          "hatchet": "0/06/Hatchet_icon.png",
          "icepick.salvaged": "e/e1/Salvaged_Icepick_icon.png",
          "knife.bone": "c/c7/Bone_Knife_icon.png",
          "landmine": "8/83/Land_Mine_icon.png",
          "lmg.m249": "c/c6/M249_icon.png",
          "lock.code": "0/0c/Code_Lock_icon.png",
          "longsword": "3/34/Longsword_icon.png",
          "mace": "4/4d/Mace_icon.png",
          "machete": "3/34/Machete_icon.png",
          "pickaxe": "8/86/Pick_Axe_icon.png",
          "pistol.eoka": "b/b5/Eoka_Pistol_icon.png",
          "pistol.m92": "4/43/M92_Pistol_icon.png",
          "pistol.python": "d/d4/Python_Revolver_icon.png",
          "pistol.revolver": "5/58/Revolver_icon.png",
          "pistol.semiauto": "6/6b/Semi-Automatic_Pistol_icon.png",
          "rifle.ak": "d/d1/Assault_Rifle_icon.png",
          "rifle.bolt": "5/55/Bolt_Action_Rifle_icon.png",
          "rifle.lr300": "d/d9/LR-300_Assault_Rifle_icon.png",
          "rifle.semiauto": "8/8d/Semi-Automatic_Rifle_icon.png",
          "rock": "f/ff/Rock_icon.png",
          "rocket.launcher": "0/06/Rocket_Launcher_icon.png",
          "salvaged.cleaver": "7/7e/Salvaged_Cleaver_icon.png",
          "salvaged.sword": "7/77/Salvaged_Sword_icon.png",
          "shotgun.pump": "6/60/Pump_Shotgun_icon.png",
          "shotgun.waterpipe": "1/1b/Waterpipe_Shotgun_icon.png",
          "shotgun.double": "3/3f/Double_Barrel_Shotgun_icon.png",
          "smg.2": "9/95/Custom_SMG_icon.png",
          "smg.mp5": "c/c0/MP5A4_icon.png",
          "smg.thompson": "4/4e/Thompson_icon.png",
          "spear.stone": "0/0a/Stone_Spear_icon.png",
          "spear.wooden": "f/f2/Wooden_Spear_icon.png",
          "spikes.floor": "f/f7/Wooden_Floor_Spikes_icon.png",
          "stone.pickaxe": "7/77/Stone_Pick_Axe_icon.png",
          "stonehatchet": "9/9b/Stone_Hatchet_icon.png",
          "surveycharge": "9/9a/Survey_Charge_icon.png",
          "torch": "4/48/Torch_icon.png",
          "trap.bear": "b/b0/Snap_Trap_icon.png",
          "wall.external.high": "9/96/High_External_Wooden_Wall_icon.png",
          "wall.external.high.stone": "b/b6/High_External_Stone_Wall_icon.png"
        "3.4 Damagetype Files": {
          "bite": "1/17/Bite_icon.png",
          "bleeding": "e/e5/Bleeding_icon.png",
          "blunt": "8/83/Blunt_icon.png",
          "bullet": "5/5a/Bullet_icon.png",
          "cold": "7/74/Freezing_icon.png",
          "drowned": "8/81/Drowning_icon.png",
          "electricShock": "a/af/Electric_icon.png",
          "explosion": "5/50/Explosion_icon.png",
          "fall": "f/ff/Fall_icon.png",
          "generic": "b/be/Missing_icon.png",
          "heat": "e/e4/Ignite_icon.png",
          "hunger": "8/84/Hunger_icon.png",
          "poison": "8/84/Poison_icon.png",
          "radiation": "4/44/Radiation_icon.png",
          "slash": "5/50/Slash_icon.png",
          "stab": "3/3e/Stab_icon.png",
          "suicide": "b/be/Missing_icon.png",
          "thirst": "8/8e/Thirst_icon.png"
        "3.5 NPC Names": {
          "bear": "Bear",
          "boar": "Boar",
          "chicken": "Chicken",
          "horse": "Horse",
          "patrolhelicopter": "Helicopter",
          "stag": "Stag",
          "wolf": "Wolf"
        "3.6 Bone Names": {
          "body": "Body",
          "chest": "Chest",
          "groin": "Groin",
          "head": "Head",
          "hip": "Hip",
          "jaw": "Jaw",
          "left arm": "Arm",
          "left eye": "Eye",
          "left foot": "Foot",
          "left forearm": "Forearm",
          "left hand": "Hand",
          "left knee": "Knee",
          "left ring finger": "Finger",
          "left shoulder": "Shoulder",
          "left thumb": "Thumb",
          "left toe": "Toe",
          "left wrist": "Wrist",
          "lower spine": "Spine",
          "neck": "Neck",
          "pelvis": "Pelvis",
          "right arm": "Arm",
          "right eye": "Eye",
          "right foot": "Foot",
          "right forearm": "Forearm",
          "right hand": "Hand",
          "right knee": "Knee",
          "right ring finger": "Finger",
          "right shoulder": "Shoulder",
          "right thumb": "Thumb",
          "right toe": "Toe",
          "right wrist": "Wrist",
          "stomach": "Stomach"
        "3.7 Allowed Special Characters": [
          " ",
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2018
  12. Just tried it, same problem.

  13. Hmmm well here is the .cs file then try this.

    I tried adding scientist to it, but I it didn't work, but I don't get any errors outside of the scientist being killed.

    Attached Files:

  14. I get this error when I try to use your cs
    Error while compiling: KillFeed.cs(1954,3): error CS1009: Unrecognized escape sequence `\p'
    [DOUBLEPOST=1522050831][/DOUBLEPOST]Reinstalling my entire server now
  15. Reinstalled server, reinstalled update, reinstalled oxide, reinstalled plugin, json, and still get the freaking white box.
  16. Not sure man, you can try viewing it on my server. its called RustyCats. I have it working somehow.

    Edit* Do you have ImageLibrary installed? I just had it installed for no reason, maybe its required but not listed as required.

    Edit: I tried looking at it and messing around with things, the furthest I got was adding in a Bradley APC name. These plugins just all seem to be super messy with almost no commenting so I give up.

    For some reason on my server as well scientists don't show a name even when re spawning it says you where killed by just the rust logo. So maybe if my server wasn't full retard it would work properly.

    I really don't like Death Notes I think it looks really dumb hopefully this plugin dev comes back.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2018
  17. I don't have imagelibrary and this plugin was working perfectly up until this Sunday.
  18. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This plugin doesn't use ImageLibrary