Invulnerable Sleepers

Make sleepers invulnerable after a set amount of time.

Total Downloads: 736 - First Release: May 25, 2015 - Last Update: Jun 2, 2015

5/5, 3 likes
  1. Ok thanks for the clarification. Please let us know if you change this as it will only cause confusion otherwise.
  2. I think i found a bug... when i take a sleeper with the rope... i cant release him... i can do it only throwing the rope out of my inventory...

    Excellent plugin btw...
  3. Just wondering can I use this plugin to make people that have just logged off the server invincible for 5 minutes and then they can be killed after that until they log on again? this is just to facilitate people that get disconnected from the server unexpectedly.
  4. Hi, Is it possible to make a sleeper not take damage for the first 5 minutes and then after take damage?
  5. What am i missing. The plugin doesnt seem to be working for me.
    It keeps saying you cant deal damage to a sleeper.
    i have this:
      "Messages": {
        "Notification": "You can't deal damage to sleepers."
      "Options": {
        "AttackablePeriodInSeconds": 120,
        "GracePeriodInSeconds": 600,
        "NotifyAttacker": true,
        "TimeBetweenNotificationsInSeconds": 30
      "Settings": {
        "ChatPrefix": "Server",
        "ChatPrefixColor": "950415"
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 1, 2018
  6. error :
    Error while compiling: InvulnerableSleepers.cs(96,28): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `Player' could not be found. Are you missing `Oxide.Game.Rust.Libraries' using directive?
  7. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    This is a Reign of Kings plugin, per the category it is under.