Universal Group for Discord joining

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Melthus, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. So here is what I was thinking about. I like to reward the players of my server with an extra little starter kit. However to get something out of the deal for myself i've made the requirements be that they must join our steam group to get added to the starter kit group in game. i've also done this same concept for our discord, where my players will get a small starter-home kit for joining our discord. Now the issue has become that I am manually adding the players as they join the group. If I am offline and a player joins they do not instantly get the reward of being added to the group. So basically I would like a mod that has the ability to check if the player has joined our steam group or discord and reward them by adding them to the respective groups in game .

    Anyone know if that is a possible thing to happen? I know very little of coding so I would be of little to no help with the process of making it from scratch.

    Any help or information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    So after a long bit of searching I found this mod:

    Which solves half of what I am trying to do. Anyone know if this mod can also be somehow used to do the same thing with discord? Thanks again.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2018