Solved Give blueprints

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by UserUnknown, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. I am actually surprised nobody has requested this already to be honest.

    As you would have guessed, yes, could someone make a plugin that unlocks Blueprints?

    Obviously only admin or mod would have AuthLevel to process this command.

    I also think this should look for an argument as well, like the /give command (ie: /unlockbp <playername/UID> --> when <playername/UID> not provided, the plugin defaults it to the admin or mod who typed it).

    Thanks in advance.

    PS. I know this isnt really the right place to add this, but does anybody know the "item_names" for the blueprints so they can be given also in the meantime?
  2. +
    Servers really need this feature.
  3. Blueprints are already in the game. And players can learn it.
    Server command: inventory.givebp <player> <itemid>
    Blueprints don't have new names, they are the same as for items. You just need only set isBlueprint property to true.
    For example:
        local Item = global.ItemManager.CreateByName("hatchet", 1);
        Item.isBlueprint = true;
        local Inventory = player.inventory;
        Inventory:GiveItem(Item, nil);
  4. i updated Kits and Give to support blueprints
  5. Thanks for this!
  6. Bringing up the console by hitting F1 then click on items and you will see item names. That is the way I have been doing this for now. also listed halfway down this page by Reneb :)