1. Hi!

    I would like to know who work on finding new Hooks?

    I would like to find hooks and I don't want to work on something someone is already working on. I don't know if there could be a sticky or something about Hooks

    Just an idea...
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You don't find hooks, they are made. The Oxide 2 repo has all the current hooks listed.
  3. I know but i want to create new hooks! I said "find" but i mean find where to place it in the dll ect...
  4. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You'd use the Oxide 2 Patcher to add them to the DLL, but you'd need a bit of know-how in order to understand where to place them.
  5. Yeah I understand that but my main point here is who is doing that right now and what are they working on. I dont want to work on a NEW hook someone is already working on!
  6. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    @Reneb is working on a few, which you can see at https://github.com/strykes/Oxide-2-Patcher/commits/master, but those are not final or approved yet, and are likely to receive some changes.
  7. Nice! Thats what I needed and he is working on the one i wanted to work on!

    Thank you @Wulf