1. I ve got a server with some compile errors in ompiler_15-02-2018.txt:

    [SERVER v1.0.20] Console: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.ValueType' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Attribute' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int32' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt32' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int64' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt64' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Single' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Double' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Char' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int16' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Decimal' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Boolean' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.SByte' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Byte' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt16' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.String' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Enum' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Delegate' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.MulticastDelegate' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Void' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Array' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Type' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerator' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerable' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IDisposable' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeFieldHandle' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeTypeHandle' is not defined or imported
    error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Exception' is not defined or imported[SERVER v1.0.20] Got Message: Exit
    [SERVER v1.0.20] Exit received.
    [SERVER v1.0.20] Connection closed.
    [SERVER v1.0.20] Shutdown
    oxide.txt says:
    18:29 [Info] Loading Oxide Core v2.0.3782...
    18:29 [Info] Loading extensions...
    18:29 [Info] Latest compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    18:29 [Info] Local compiler MD5: 8ce6d27e7718e3d164766bba8833537a
    18:29 [Info] Loaded extension CSharp v2.0.3786 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Info] Loaded extension MySql v2.0.3752 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Info] Loaded extension Rust v2.0.3829 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Info] Loaded extension SQLite v2.0.3752 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Info] Loaded extension Unity v2.0.3751 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Warning] Cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.CSharp.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Failed to cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.CSharp.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.MySql.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Failed to cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.MySql.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.SQLite.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Failed to cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.SQLite.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.Unity.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Failed to cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Core.Unity.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Game.Rust.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Failed to cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Oxide.Game.Rust.dll
    18:29 [Warning] Cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Mono.Posix.dll.config
    18:29 [Warning] Failed to cleanup file: /usr/local/gameserver/metamods/rust/roxide/rust/RustDedicated_Data/Managed/Mono.Posix.dll.config
    18:29 [Info] Using Covalence provider for game 'Rust'
    18:29 [Info] Loading plugins...
    18:29 [Info] Loaded plugin Rust v2.0.3829 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Info] Loaded plugin Unity v2.0.3751 by Oxide and Contributors
    18:29 [Warning] Reference mscorlib.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference System.Core.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference UnityEngine.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference System.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference Facepunch.Network.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference UnityEngine.UI.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference Rust.Data.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference Facepunch.Unity.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference Facepunch.UnityEngine.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference Facepunch.System.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Warning] Reference Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll from Oxide.Rust.dll not found
    18:29 [Error] Error while compiling:
    18:29 [Error] Error while compiling:

    Any Ideas?
  2. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    You have some older files that need to be manually removed from your install that are mentioned in the errors there that Oxide was unable to remove for you.