1. Hi. I'm a beginner who started C #.
    I am making MOD to make the cupboard resource unnecessary.
    Program to immediately delete the resources to be dropped when the cupboard is destroyed ?
    Is it possible with hook OnEntityDeath?
    And how?
  2. You can use this as a temporary fix for your problem, however a better solution certainly exists as I probably shouldn't advocate erasing "dead" entities.

    If you can find the container of the cupboard, and erase its contents that would probably be the best solution. However it's not a LootContainer so I'm not sure of its type.

            void OnEntityDeath(BaseCombatEntity entity, HitInfo info)
                if (entity.name == "assets/prefabs/deployable/tool cupboard/cupboard.tool.deployed.prefab")
  3. You could just use server settings.

    decay.upkeep false
  4. Thanks.Work !