1. I wanna add custom skin in workshop(Like flare gun) but Rust SDK gives me an error:
    DllNotFoundException: CSteamworks
    Steamworks.SteamAPI.Init () (at Assets/Plugins/Steamworks/Steamworks.NET/Steam.cs:58)
    WorkshopBaseEditor.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Scripts/Editor/WorkshopBaseEditor.cs:87)
    UnityEditor.InspectorWindow.DrawEditor (UnityEditor.Editor[] editors, Int32 editorIndex, Boolean rebuildOptimizedGUIBlock, System.Boolean& showImportedObjectBarNext, UnityEngine.Rect& importedObjectBarRect) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/InspectorWindow.cs:1245)
    UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
    I tryed Rust in-game workshop and i cant change that in steam

    Any way to fix something?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2018
  2. Code:
    ItemManager.CreateByItemID(itemid, amount, skinid);
  3. I know how to add this in game. I have problem with steam workshop and rust sdk, can you read?
  4. Use in-game workshop, the SDK one doesn't work anymore (I think)
  5. The Rust SDK on steam is obsolete, when you want to create new skins the workshop in the game client should be used.
  6. THEN HOW HE MADE THIS???? - Steam Workshop :: Grenade Launcher upload_2018-2-3_22-12-17.png