1. Hi!

    I used for my server.cfg :

    ai.npc_enable "false"
    server.events "false"
    ai.npc_max_junkpile_count "0"
    ai.npc_junkpile_g_spawn_chance "0"
    ai.npc_junkpile_a_spawn_chance "0"

    but I can not find the command to disable the new type of NPC (bandit camp)

    Can u help me pls?
  2. press F1 & enter:
    del npcvendingmachine
    del shopkeeper_vm_invis
  3. Error : "couln't find npcvendingmachine"
    "couln't find shopkeeper_vm_invis"
  4. Afaik there isn't a command to disable the NPC Guards. Only way that worked for me is below, also the shopkeepers will stay put.

    This currently only works after a server restart.
    I expect there will be a new plugin/updated plugin for this soon.

    using Rust.Ai;private static bool disableGuardNPC = true;
    void OnEntitySpawned(BaseNetworkable entity)
    if (entity == null) return;
    if (disableGuardNPC) KillNPC(entity);
    }void KillNPC(BaseNetworkable entity) {
    if (!(entity is NPCPlayer)) return;var npcApex = entity.gameObject.GetComponent<NPCPlayerApex>();
    if (npcApex == null) return;var npcLocationType = npcApex?.AiContext?.AiLocationManager?.LocationType;
    if (npcLocationType == null) return;if (npcLocationType == AiLocationSpawner.SquadSpawnerLocation.BanditTown) {
  5. I found the solution @Mr_Jeff @Hider

    del assets/prefabs/npc

    This removes all npc but the asset for shopkeeper exists (I used the plugin PrefabSniffer for help me = I am waiting for the update )
  6. Here is the right order:

    del assets/prefabs/npc/bandit/shopkeepers/bandit_shopkeeper.prefab
    del assets/prefabs/npc/bandit/guard/bandit_guard.prefab
    del assets/prefabs/npc/bandit/bandit_town_npc_spawner.prefab
    del assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/npcsellorders/weapons_bandit.asset
    del assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/npcsellorders/building_bandit.asset
    del assets/prefabs/deployable/vendingmachine/npcsellorders/attire_bandit.asset