1. Hi, so I've tried to change the stackLimit for each resource in /mods/blueprints.default.cfg from 1000 to 5000 but weirdly enough it keeps reverting back when I restart the server.
  2. You should not edit the blueprint.default.cfg file since everything in the .default.cfg files will be reverted to their original default values.
    You need to copy it and rename it to blueprint.cfg and change the stack limits in there.
  3. <3 <3 <3 how about node density?
  4. That should be in the Resources.default.cfg.
    Just dont forget to copy the file and rename it to Resources.cfg.
  5. how do I do it thought do I change the density? To what value would 500 be?
  6. I have no idea. I never modified the density of resources.
  7. Node density doesnt actually seem to do anything. The working method is to just copy and past the node spawn points. Works perfectly.
  8. Where do you paste the node spawn points? I cant get this to work