Rust Blueprint Sharing

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mookee, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Hey guys. Another plugin suggestion. How about a plugin that makes it so when you learn a blueprint, everyone thats in your clan learns it too. I think it would be helpful so you dont have to research an item multiple times for each person.

    Have a good day :)
  2. This would actually be very cool!
  3. i might have a crack at this one, seems like a pretty cool idea
    the only problem i can see with it is the fact that the clan members would have to disconnect & reconnect for the BP's to apply
  4. Why? That's not true.
  5. This is a VERY GOOD IDEA for, say, fast paced PVP servers, for an example.
    I thought something similar would be good... (And because of that it would already exist? How wrong I was!)

    ...Also handy for people like me who play with more than one account. (The wonders of Family Sharing!)
    Essentially I'm still "one player", even if I visit the game with two different characters and loot one another for the one I'm playing now :p
    This would definitely be very helpful & welcome, spares me the "oh it was the other one who knew that BP!" trouble! :D

    Any news/progress/update on this?
    ...By/from anyone? :F The idea *is* too good to let it fade into a never-done...
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2018
  7. Instructions unclear; Tried pressing Delete, that didn't work.
    Please clarify?-)

    If on the other hand you referred to the thread, you have a right for your opinion, sure!
    But please don't be a troll, explain your view on why?
    You know, like a proper forumite. We dont' just yell things at strangers, do we? Thanks!
  8. My previous message meant, that i wrote something, then decided that i wrote shit, and DELETE it.
    Idea is good and i am ready to realize it.
  9. Imma gunna shut my mouth.... All Im gunna say is be careful ordering from Hougan
  10. Hougan: Roger that! Coolio.

    Razor: Thanks for not shutting up?-)
    But yeah, on a more serious note though, not ordering as much as suggesting this great idea for someone more eager to do it on my behalf, or something. "Ordering" to me at least suggests more official, a "deal" sort of. I have zero interest in that. =P