

Total Downloads: 921 - First Release: Apr 10, 2017 - Last Update: Jun 8, 2017

5/5, 8 likes
  1. Failed to initialize plugin 'BetterChatFilter v1.2.0' (ArgumentException: Could not cast or convert from System.Boolean to Oxide.Plugins.BetterChatFilter+OffenseData.)

    Any ideas what would cause this?
  2. I would LOVE to see a feature that blocks ENTIRE words, no matter how they are spelled! Currently it's damn easy to bypass the system. I've blocked "cheater" but people can type c heater" and still be able to type it. Any chance you can block entire words no matter how they're spelled?
  3. That's nigh on impossible to block, you would need complex regex patterns to do so and I'm sure you would get a lot of false positives as a result. You could get regex to remove all spaces between the word and then check, but it would be very intensive doing this for each word in a senstence multiple times over. It wouldn't work at all.
  4. Great plugin, just one problem. Granted, I know next to nothing about regex so this may be a problem on my end.

    When I attempt to use the regex (\d|\s|_|@|\.|,) to remove digits, spaces, underscores, @s, etc., I get the following error:

    BetterChatFilter v1.2.0: Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (Bad JSON escape sequence: \d. Path '['Advanced - Regex to use']', line 2, position 33.)

    This regex seems to work here.

    For example, say I want to block the word "lemon", I'm hoping to also block "l e m o n", "l3m0n", etc.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 30, 2017
  5. I would like to have the same
  6. You could check out
    Bad Word Filter API - Neutrino API Docs

    EDIT: Just noticed the daily limits...
  7. I'll have another look into it :)
    Thanks for the heads up @LaserHydra that's an interesting resource actually! I'll see if I can make use of or make up something that might work similar.
  8. command "mute" not found... what can i do?
  9. This is not a mute plugin.
  10. you mean i need a mute plugin to make this working?
  11. No, this plugin is to filter profanity from chat.
    For muting, you need another plugin.
  12. Has anyone set up a long list of banned words that they could paste here for use, im not sure on how to use regex to filter out alternative spellings so some help/info on this would also be a great help too please. thank you.
  13. Wulf

    Wulf Community Admin

    The UFilter plugin has a list for it that could be copied, otherwise Google has a list for sure.
  14. @Kinesis Could you add a self warn when someone insults?
  15. @Ectopilot that 'BetterChatFilter v1.2.0: Failed to load config file (is the config file corrupt?) (Bad JSON escape sequence: \d. Path '['Advanced - Regex to use']', line 2, position 33.)' means that you are likely using a character in your Regex that is faulting your JSON. That is likely a ' or \ character. If you post your config file here or PM me I can take a look at it for you.

    @Smazbeso I'll take a look shortly!
  16. Is there a admin bypass? Because also admins are getting muted. I do not use regex, (dont understand simple) and most of the times coparings word between chat and config is not very accurat.
  17. Hey, The auto mute. mutes permanent as reason 300 seconds, anyway to pull that around?
  18. Anyone please? ^
  19. seeing so many plugin updates after the update of oxide, i don't expect to many quick replies lol , dev's are probebly working as hell to keep up.
  20. Eror plugin missing