1. Code:
    using Oxide.Core;
    using Oxide.Core.Libraries;
            void GetRequest(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
                webrequest.EnqueueGet("http://www.google.com/search?q=oxide", (code, response) => GetCallback(code, response, player), this);
            }        void GetCallback(int code, string response, BasePlayer player)
                if (response == null || code != 200)
                    Puts($"Error: {code} - Couldn't get an answer from Google for {player.displayName}");
                }            Puts($"Google answered for {player.displayName}: {response}");
    have using Oxide.Core and Oxide.Core.Libraries,why `BasePlayer' could not be found.
    please help.
  2. BasePlayer is Rust's player class. For Hurtworld you'd use PlayerSession
  3. is working,thanks
  4. For the future i recoommend you to read other plugins from OXIDE.